Ropository which collects programs, exercises, simulations, slides and projects from my ongoing degree in Computer and System engineering at Sapienza University of Rome.
Introduzione alla programmazione
First programming exam, the language of choice was Python, in here there are materials given by the professor, weekly exercises and some exams from past years. There is also an optional project which I will do at some point.
Fondamenti di matematica
Elementi di calcolo delle probabilità e statistica
Fondamenti di algebra e geometria
Complementi di programmazione
Second programming exam, the language of choice was C, at the moment in here are present just the weekly exercises, I will add materials and past exams in the future.
Progettazione del software
Third programming exam, the language of choice is Java, I am progressively adding weekly exercises, I will also add materials from the professor.
Fondamenti di comunicazione e internet
Exam about Internet protocols and architecture and teory of signals, I will progressively add exercises and homeworks for this exam.
Sistemi dinamici
Exam about dynamic systems and how to mathematically model them, I will progressively add Matlab homeworks assigned by the professor.
Programmazione matematica