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CT Ticket Tracker

Originally a bot to track ticket usage in Pandemonium, it grew out of its scope and can now be a versatile helper for many Contested territory Teams.


If you just want to add the bot to your server, you can simply invite the bot and check out the Wiki and/or the /help command if you need help setting up its features.

If you want to host your own instance, keep reading this document.

Hosting your own instance


  1. A PostgreSQL database
    • If you can't get one, you must rewrite all functions in cogs/db to fit the stack you're using
  2. Python 3.10 or higher


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Rename into and populate it accordingly
  2. Execute the contents of db_init.sql into your PostgreSQL database
    • Make sure the user you set in has read/write permissions on that database and its tables
  3. Change the emojis in bot/utils/, chances are they'll be broken
  4. Rename files/tags.example.json into files/tags.json
    • Add/edit new tags if you want to
  5. Install Python dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run
  2. To register its commands, type ,,,sync to register them in all servers, or ,,,sync . if you just want to sync them in your current guild.
  3. If you want to load/unload specific cogs, type ,,,cog load [cogname] or ,,,cog unload [cogname].
    1. Use ,,,cog list to check which cogs are currently loaded
    2. Cog names are in camelCase and do not include the word Cog at the end. E.g.: ,,,cog load leaderboard, ,,,cog load raidLog

And you're done! ✨


The bot's functionality is divided into cogs.


The original purpose of this bot. Checks a channel for tile claims and logs them to a database, so you can look at an overview of ticket usage later.


Posts the global leaderboard hourly & calculates eco. Note that eco calcs are not perfect due to caching issues from Ninja Kiwi's API. Scores have a 5 or 10 minute margin of error.


Various miscellaneous utilities that don't really fit in any other cog.


Ties an user's OAK to their Discord account. Unused in my own hosted instance, due to the OAKs being currently useless for CT, but the module is there and fully functional should it become relevant. You can code other uses for OAK-Discord connections if you want, such as a special role if you have certain badges, etc...


The current best planner bot around. Posts an overview of tiles that must be constantly refreshed (e.g. banners), when they'll expire, and allows users to claim them early so the team can plan out recaptures. When pinging people for missed recaptures, only pings people who still have tickets left.

Needs to be used in combination with the Tracker cog to function.


Commands only accessible to the bot's owner, such as loading/unloading cogs and syncing the command tree.

Janky cogs

These cogs are so specific to the Pandemonium server that many values (channel IDs, etc...) are hardcoded. Can be used if you change those values, though.

  • Welcome: Creates a new, private channel for every new member that joins the server and automatically deletes it when a role is assigned to that member or when they leave.
  • RaidLogLegacy: A fallback tilestrat forum in case the data to make RaidLog work becomes unavailable. Makes accessing a thread easy since Discord's search feature sucks. Served us well for 13 events.
    • There should be exactly 163 threads with the tile's code in the title, and each thread is reused for every season.
    • Those threads have to be created manually, there's no function to do that.

Private cogs

These cogs don't work unless you have a way of getting specific data. Feel free to unload all of these upon starting your bot. You could even take them out of's list of cogs to auto-load.

They will be made public once this data is made public as well through an API or something.

  • RaidLog: The prettiest forum to post tile strats around.
  • Tiles: Information about the map's tiles.


A Discord bot to help BTD6 Contested Territory players.





