statistical methods for Windows 3.1, beta version v2.1-beta from 1995. Developed in MS Visual C++ 1.0 (see Microsoft Corporation, 1993, also e.g. Ettinger, 1994).
Designed for the application of the fundamental and most important mathematical-statistical and probabilistic methods in the context of scientific psychology, in the field of research and diagnostics, see e.g. Bortz & Weber (2005), Bortz & Schuster (2010), respectively.
Bortz, J., & Schuster, C. (2010). Statistik Für Human- Und Sozialwissenschaftler: Limitierte Sonderausgabe. 7th ed. Springer-Lehrbuch. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Bortz, J., & Weber, R. (2005). Statistik: Für Human- Und Sozialwissenschaftler. 6th ed. Springer-Lehrbuch. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Ettinger, J. (1994). Programming in C++. 1st ed. Computer Science Series. London: Red Globe Press.
Microsoft Corporation. (1993). User’s Guides, Microsoft Visual C++: Development System for Windows Version 1.0. 1st ed. United States of America: Microsoft Corporation.