Using a BeagleBoneBlack and Non-Invasive current calmps to monitor the power consumption.
Only the files in the allChannelSampling
folder will be needed for the final usage case.
The Client in this context is the BeagleBone. The BeagleBone is sampling, filtering and calculationg for every channel. In the end it will send a string containing the Channel number and its Value in Watts over a socket. (allChannelSampling/ for all channels)
The Server Side keeps the RRD Files and evaluetes the string from the client and writes the values into the corresponding RRD File. (allChannelSampling/ for all channels)
Besides Python3, this must be installed for the usage of the scripts.
import time #Standard import
import socket #Socket for data exchange
import numpy as np #Standard import
import from bbb_pru_adc import capture #PRU Control for ADC
import socket #Socket for data exchange
import rrdtool #RRDtool for the Database
import time #Standard import
import os #To clear STDOUT
import re #Regexp for filtering incoming data
To visulize the data Matplotlib.pyplot can be used. Examples in /RRDGraphs/*
#BCA was here#