This is the ideamart SMS PHP API, using the classes here you can recieve messages, send messages to a address, list of addressses or a broadcast message and log using the log class.
###Creating a Listener to recieve messages
require 'SMSReceiver.php'; // Import the SMSReceiver Class
// Create a object of the SMSReceiver and send the incomming request to be decoded
$receiver = new SMSReceiver(file_get_contents('php://input'));
$receiver->getMessage() // Get the messsage recieved
$receiver->getAddress() // Get the address from which message was sent
$receiver->getVersion() // Get the version of the incomming request
$receiver->getEncoding() // Get the encoding of the incomming request
$receiver->getApplicationId() // Get the appid which the request was sent to
$receiver->getRequestId() // Get the uniqe requestID of the request
In simulation you can use any appid and password. In production a appid and password will be provided when the app is be provisioned in Ideamart.
Production Server URLs
Simulator Server URL HTTP -http://localhost:7000/sms/send
require 'SMSSender.php'; // Import the SMSSender Class
define('SERVER_URL', 'http://localhost:7000/sms/send'); // Set the Server URL
define('APP_ID', 'appid'); // Set the APPID
define('APP_PASSWORD', 'pass'); // Set the password
// Create Sender intialze the object with the SeverURL , APPID and APP Password
$sender = new SMSSender( SERVER_URL, APP_ID, APP_PASSWORD);
To send a SMS to a user
$sender->sms( 'This message is send to one particlar no', ADDRESS)
To send a SMS to number of users
$sender->sms( 'Same message to all the address send', array(ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ...))
To broadcast a SMS to all the subcribers of the app
$sender->broadcast( 'This is a Broadcast Message')