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- Article
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- Subscribe to JavaScript Weekly
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- Settings (Fonts, Color Scheme)
- Report an issue
- Random issue
- Random articles
- Favourite link
- Share it
- Auto Categorization/Tagging (Node, Angular etc)
- Once parsed save it to db/file storage
- Youtube video should be shown
- Formatting of code in the article
- Show random articles (perhaps 5)
- Show random issue
- Add buttons for [Mark it Old] [Facebook Like + Twitter Like] 9.1 https://cdn.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=http://jowanza.com/post/125093386299/handling-data-in-nodejs-using-datalib 9.2 https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=select%20total_count,like_count,comment_count,share_count,click_count%20from%20link_stat%20where%20url=%27http://jowanza.com/post/125093386299/handling-data-in-nodejs-using-datalib%27&format=json
- Show popular posts
- Save the article (db/localstorage) once visited
- Avoid node stop
- If article is not present the route to latest article / Handle error scenarios
- Caching of articles
- Storing the like counts and displaying the
- Use web sockets
- No, JS and CSS framework
- Use browserify + min + concat
- Redis cache
- Add a include list of identifiers e.x: youtube.com
- Provide possible summary text
- Provide possible source text
- Provide tags
- Add a issue URL node
- Make a npm module for the parser
- Add filter for other weekly's