Custom Validation rules for dfferent field in the form :
- Minimum 4, maximum 50 characters long
- No numbers and no special characters allowed
- ( )spaces, (.)dot, (-)dash allowed but not more than one alongside
- Minimum 4, maximum 12 characters long
- No ( )spaces, no (.)dots allowed
- Numbers allowed
- (-)dash, (_)underscore are allowed
- Minimum 8 characters long
- First 4 characters must be alphabets including
- At least 1 uppercase letter
- At least 2 lowercase letters
- Next 4 characters must be combination of
- Special characters
- Numbers
- Id structure must be of x-xxxxx-x i.e. 20-42424-1
- Email must be of structure
- I.e. if id is '20-42424-1' then email must be ''
- Date of birth must be at least 18 years or older