The LightWine framework is a PHP framework that can be used for creating websites and webapplications. The framework has various useful functions and classes that make it easy creating websites.
- Database Service
- Data Bindings
- Helpers
- Template Service
- Templating Engine Service
- Cache Service
- Routing Service
- Components
Below you find a example of a configuration file for a website/webapplication created with the framework
"Name": "Exmaple Project", // The name of the project
"Domain": "", // The main domain name of your website/webapplication,
"Connections": {
// Here you can add connectionstring of your databases
"CacheFolder": "~/cache/", // Specifies the location of the cache folder
"Environment": "dev", // Specifies the current enviroment (dev, test or live)
"Tracing": false, // Enables the tracing of the framework for easy debugging
"LogTraffic": true, // Logs website visitor details to a file
"CreateDebugLog": false, // Creates all log entries including debug log entries
"LogDatabase": false, // Enables logging to the database instead of a file
"GzipEncode": true, // Enables gzip compression for all content provided by the framework
"MailHeaderTemplateId": 0, // Used to specify the default mail header template
"MailFooterTemplateId": 0, // Used to specify the default mail footer template
"LogAllMail": true, // If enabled, all send mail will be logged to a table
"Smtp": {
"Host": "", // Hostname of your smtp server
"Port": 587, // Port number of your smtp server
"Username": "", // Username of your smtp server
"Password": "", // Password of your smtp server
"FromName": "Exmaple", // The name you want to use to send the mail
"FromAddress": "" // The emailaddress you want to use to send the mail
"scheduler": {
"token": "" // Enter the token that must be used to run the scheduler from cronjobs