- An example of a responsive HTML email template compatible with all email clients.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
- Use in all email clients.
- This follows a workflow of build and test:
- Work structurally leaving in all table borders and cell background colors to help more clearly see what is being created, then removing them at the end.
- Work until a minor development milestone is reached, then run a test.
- Run tests through a validator, accessibility checker, and spam checker.
- First: Build the skeleton - then test.
- Next: Add content - then test (also test for spam score).
- Next: Style colors and fonts - then test.
- Next: Remove borders and backgrounds - then test.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Mobile-first workflow
- Outlook Conditionals - Stackoverflow - Outlook Conditionals Documentation.
- VML - Vector markup Language Documentation used to deliver vector graphics for some email clients.
- Imgbb - Free image Hosting.
- Email Accessibility Article - A great article on accessibility in emails.
- What You Should Know About HTML Email - Great article on things to know.
- Website - Michelle Renee
- Facebook - Creative Software Solutions
- Twitter - @michellere57052
- CodePen - @slimbloodworth
- LinkedIn - Michelle Renee
- GitHub - @slimbloodworth