A dynamic soap caller, can help you perform soap-based-webservice very convenient!
if you have used XMLSpy, you will see this is the same function like XMLSpy's soapcaller.
- support soap1.1, soap1.2
- automatic match soap1.1 or soap1.2
- support rpc/encoded, rpc/literal, document/literal, document/literal wrapped
- support ws-addressing
- support endpoint-reference
- support automatic java bean assembling
OutputObject outputObject = SoapCaller.getInstance("") //specific a wsdl
.setOperatioName("method") //operation to invoke
.setParams("param1","param2", 3) //params
.setExceptReturnType(String.class) //set your except return type to automatic assemble
.invoke(); //call it
System.out.println(outputObject.getSoapReturnMessage());//return of soap message
System.out.println(outputObject.getBodyObject()); //this is the except return type val
//notice that if you didn't setExceptReturnType, outputObject.getBodyObject() will return null
String[] methodsDesc = MethodList.getMethodDesc(wsdl);
if the webservice A with wsdl "http://example/service?wsdl", has method "Amethod", and, its param is a "schema descript object and can transform to java bean", and return type is also. you can use automatic type assemble
OutputObject outputObject = SoapCaller.getInstance("http://example/service?wsdl")
.setParams(new Person()) //this is a java bean, it described as schema in the wsdl as an inputmessage
.setExceptReturnType(Teacher.class) //set your except return type to automatic assemble
//the Teacher class is also described as schema in wsdl as an outputmessage
.invoke(); //call it
System.out.println(outputObject.getSoapReturnMessage());//return of soap message
System.out.println((Teacher)outputObject.getBodyObject()); //this is the except return type val
and you can deserialize the output customly
OutputObject outputObject = SoapCaller.getInstance("http://example/service?wsdl")
.setParams(new Person()) //this is a java bean, it described as schema in the wsdl as an inputmessage
.setReturnMessageAdapter(new ISoapReturnMessageAdapter<Teacher>() {
public Teacher handleSOAPResponse(SOAPMessage returnMessage, JWSDLParam outputParam,
Class<String> clazz) {
// generate output object your self
return null;
.invoke(); //call it
System.out.println(outputObject.getSoapReturnMessage());//return of soap message
System.out.println((Teacher)outputObject.getBodyObject()); //this is the except return type val
as known of "ws-addressing"(@see http://www.w3school.com.cn/ for more information), we can simply set it to the soap-header
WSAddressing wsAddressing = new WSAddressing();
wsAddressing.setMessageID(new WSAMessageID("dfasdfad34234df"));
wsAddressing.setReplyTo(new WSAReplyTo(new WSAAddress("")));
EndpointReference endpointReference = new EndpointReference("http://hive.sobey.com");
endpointReference.addProperty("ReplyMethod", "noMethod");
endpointReference.addProperty("ListenOn", "11111");
OutputObject outputObject = SoapCaller.getInstance("")
.setWSAddressing(wsAddressing) //set addressing
//with this call, WSAddressing and EndpointReference will build to soap-header
.setParams(new W3CElement())
//fisrt: define a interface
interface TestServiceCtrl{
public static String wsdl = "";
public DCMSystemConstant getSystemConstantById(Params p);
//use WebServiceProxyFactory to get a implemetion
TestServiceCtrl dctr = (TestServiceCtrl)WebServiceProxyFactory.getInstance().getWebServiceProxy(TestServiceCtrl.wsdl, TestServiceCtrl.class);
//use the dynamic implemetion to call
DCMSystemConstant con = dctr.getSystemConstantById(new Param(1021, "test"));