GUI created for the project chess_pos_db. It requires chess_pos_db.exe to be present in the same directory. A chess_pos_db.exe process is spawned by the gui (previously ensuring that it's not already present by killing all of its instances) and a TCP connection in made through which the requests are made.
Chess board display
- draggable pieces
- move history
- easy way to set a position from FEN
- easy way to set whole move history from PGN
- board flipping, resetting
- copy FEN
- board and piece themes
Excel-like data display
(Automatic) querying of position data from a loaded database
empirical WDL, perf%, draw%, human%
average elo difference between players for each position (if available) and adjusted performance based on expected performance
Filtering of queried data:
- by game level (human, engine, server) (based on partitioned PGNs during the database creation)
- continuations and/or transpositions
Evaluation data (cp and perf%) provided by (, building up on a massive effort by Bojun Guo (noobpwnftw)
Display for the data about the first game with the given position.
Statistically sound move quality calculation
- based on empirical performance, confidence (based on frequency), expected performance based on elo differences, and engine evaluation from
- configurable weights
- optional normalization
A tool for dumping all FENs for all positions with at least a given number of instances into an EPD file.
Configurable local engine analysis.
User friendly GUIs for creation and management of position databases (with chess_pos_db backend).
- Chess DOT Net
- chess_pos_db binaries
Put the compiled artifacts and the assets folder (or unzip the released binaries) into a directory with chess_pos_db.exe.