Hi! Thank you for being here!
is a program written in Bash that has to be called via the Linux terminal with the carrot
command, and it uses to make the approach between a Linux Operating System and a non-expert user easier. Additionally, it has some shortcuts for running programs (such as C, C++, and Rust) with just one command.
Anyway, let's move on to how to install this thing on your PC.
- By opening the terminal (make sure that the terminal is working on the home directory. You can see it if there is a "~" between the colon and the dollar symbol), type
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpheLC/Carrotshell/main/carrot && sudo mv ~/carrot /usr/bin && sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/carrot
Once this is done, type carrot -help
in the terminal, and it should list the commands you can do with Carrotshell. Have fun!