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English-Hindi Translator by fine-tuning a pretrained hugging face model

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🔄 LangGPT: English-Hindi Translator


Welcome to the LangGPT project! Here, I have fine-tuned a pre-trained English-Hindi translator model using a custom dataset. This endeavor provided insights into the fundamentals of tokenizers, Hugging Face transformers, Hugging Face Hub, and Streamlit for app building. The project has been deployed using Streamlit Cloud and can be accessed via the link below.

Link: LangGPT Streamlit

Model - Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-hi

I utilized a Hugging Face transformer model pre-trained for English-Hindi translations. Below are the benchmarks of the pre-trained model:

Benchmarks of Pre-trained Model

Test Set BLEU chr-F
newsdev2014.eng.hin 6.9 0.296
newstest2014-hien.eng.hin 9.9 0.323
Tatoeba-test.eng.hin 16.1 0.447

For more details, visit the model page: Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-hi

Dataset - cfilt/iitb-english-hindi

The IIT Bombay English-Hindi corpus contains parallel and monolingual Hindi corpora collected from various sources and developed at the Center for Indian Language Technology, IIT Bombay.

The dataset is structured as a list of dictionaries with English and Hindi translations labeled as en and hi.

Below is the data split provided by Hugging Face and the subset we used for fine-tuning our model.

Type Rows Present Rows Used
Train 1.66M 100k
Validation 520 520
Test 2.51k 500

For more information about the dataset: cfilt/iitb-english-hindi

Steps Followed

  1. Installed the necessary libraries.
  2. Loaded the dataset from Hugging Face using the load_dataset module.
  3. Loaded the tokenizer from the model checkpoint.
  4. Preprocessed the dataset by converting the source and target text to tokens.
  5. Loaded the pre-trained model from Hugging Face.
  6. Defined the training parameters:
    batch_size = 8
    num_samples = 100000  # Number of samples to select
    learning_rate = 2e-5
    weight_decay = 0.01
    num_epochs = 10
  7. Prepared data collators.
  8. Selected 100k rows from the training split due to resource constraints.
  9. Defined the optimizer (AdamWeightDecay) and compiled the model.
  10. Trained the model for num_epochs and saved it to a folder.
  11. Loaded the saved model and evaluated the BLEU Score.
  12. Pushed the tokenizer and model to Hugging Face and built an app using Streamlit utilizing the model from Hugging Face.

Technologies Used


  • 🤗 Transformers
  • SentencePiece
  • TensorFlow
  • Datasets
  • SacreBLEU


  • Hugging Face
  • Streamlit
  • Streamlit Cloud


The model was evaluated using the BLEU Score, a standard metric for language translation tasks.

Test Set BLEU Score
cfilt/iitb-english-hindi/test ~38

Using the Repository

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Change directory to the repository:
    cd langgpt-pretrained
  3. Create directories for the model and tokenizer:
    mkdir model
    mkdir tokenizer
  4. Run each cell from the model-training.ipynb Jupyter Notebook and update the location for saving the trained model:
    # Old
    # New
  5. [Optional] Log in to Hugging Face Hub:
    huggingface-cli login
    Note: Obtain an access token from Hugging Face before running the command.
  6. [Optional] Push the model to Hugging Face Hub by running
    Note: Update the repo_name variable to your Hugging Face repo name.
    # Mine
    repo_name = "shinigami-srikar/langgpt-pretrained"
    # Yours
    repo_name = "your-username/your-repo-name"
  7. Run the Streamlit app:
    streamlit run
    Note: Update the repo_name in to your Hugging Face Hub repo name.

Feel free to explore and enhance the project! 🚀


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