An autoclicker made for minecraft with lots of features, currently only supports Windows.
You can download a precompiled binary of the autoclicker here. After downloading and running the exe file, a menu will open. If this fails please create an issue.
It is recommended to use Visual Studio 2022
Clone the repository and open the .sln file.
Set the solution configuration to Release and the platform to x64.
Press CTRL+SHIFT+B to start compiling.
If you are experiencing a bug, error or you want to suggest a feature, create an issue. If you require help or direct assistance you can join the toad discord.
Provide screenshots or details as much as you can so there will be no need for extra questions.
Clicker Tab
Left Autoclicker (5-20cps)
Rmb lock
Click in inventory
Blatant Mode
Prioritize higher cps
One slider
Slot Whitelist
Right Autoclicker (5-30cps)
Click in inventory
Click only in inventory
Click sounds (.wav & .raw(when using a custom output device))
Double clicker(delay, chance, min interval, max interval)
Configs Tab
- Custom config system
- Save, create and load your custom configs.
Recorder Tab
- Settings and info box (unbind on toggle off, custom file ext, skip delay after time, multiplier, etc.)
- Record click delays and play them back
- Save and load system
- See average cps, record status, total clicks and delays.
Misc Tab
- Beep on toggle
- Compatibility mode
- Use mouse_event (use the mouse_event windows api function to send clicks)
- Hide bind
- Custom Window options
- Jitter
- Set color themes
- Rainbow mode (hue loop)