Create cobblestone is a create mod addon that focusses on reducing the lag generated by cobblestone generators. Ideal for server wanting to keep the tps above 10 without buying a very expensive server. The mod does not only add cobblestone generators, but also stone generators, basalt generators, limestone generators and scoria generators.
The included generator types in the mod are:
- Cobblestone
- Stone
- Basalt
- Limestone
- Scoria
The deepslate generators datapack adds the following generators:
- Deepslate
- Cobbled deepslate
All the generators above can be enabled and disabled using the config. Disabling a generator while it is being used in the world will replace the generator with an empty one.
The amount of cobblestone per tick is scaled with the rpm, and the rpm is scaled with stress units. With the default configuration each 8 rpm gives one additional cobblestone per tick, and each rpm increases the stress with 8. In other words: one piece of cobblestone/tick costs 64SU.
The stress per rpm and the rpm per cobblestone per tick are configurable.
The generator types are also configurable. By default are all enabled, except for deepslate and cobbled deepslate. Those generator types also require a datapack to be installed.
Custom generators can be added by installing a datapack. For an example pack check out the deepslate generators datapack.
Do note that this mod makes it far more easy to generate cobblestone. If you feel its unbalanced, change the recipe for the cobblestone generator to something more difficult using a datapack or cubejs. Or change the config to make the generators generate less cobblestone.