This was the beginning our CV project for FRC 2016: Stronghold. Work was transferred to our robot DEStiny's repository when we chose to run the computer vision on the roboRIO, rather than on a Jetson TK1.
Forked and made using an alumni's project, inspired by CUAUV's auv-vision-gui
If JAVA_HOME is not set, set it with
$ export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk
This should be in your ~/.bashrc or .profile to persist across reboots. (Do not include the dollar sign.)
To install OpenCV 3.0, first update your packages:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
, then install OpenCV's dependencies. Running
will show you the dependencies, then ask you whether to continue. Say
no and install them.
Then run:
$ ./
After OpenCV builds, update the Eclipse classpath:
$ cp .classpath-generic .classpath # Generic JRE
$ cp .classpath-osx .classpath # OSX JRE-1.8 u65
ant compile
builds the project.
ant run-tegra
runs the Tegra target (modules.StuyVisionModule.main) (starting
the Tegra server). ant compile-and-run-tegra
, or simply ant
, compiles then
runs for the tegra.
ant run-gui
runs the GUI (gui.Main.main). ant compile-and-run-gui
then runs the GUI.
Make sure jfxrt.jar
is in the right place. build.xml
expects it at
To install OpenCV 3.0, run:
$ ./
To set up the runlevel and run the cv on boot, modify /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf
to use runlevel 4, which you will then modify
Find the line env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL=2
, and change it to
What will run in runlevel 4 is determined by the contents of /etc/rc4.d/
contains symbolic links to the scripts that will run when booting to this run level.
Add a symbolic link to a script whose name starts with S
, followed by a two-digit number,
and then a descriptive name. The two-digit number determines the order in which the scripts will run.
cd /etc/rc4.d/
sudo ln -s /path/to/script S80run-cv