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Change code style: Tabs after short sub-program
bad tabs searcher: ``` ## procedure WriteInColor(s: string; c: System.ConsoleColor); begin var oc := Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor := c; Write(s); Console.ForegroundColor := oc; end; var r := new Regex( '(?<=\r|\n)'+ // expect line start '((?: )*)(?! )'+ // initial tabs '(?!where)'+ // ignore class where section '(?:(?!//)[^\r\n]*)'+ // ignore commented out stuff '(?<!\Wrecord)'+ // ignore one line record '\W(?:function|procedure|constructor)(?=\W)'+ // method keyword '(?<!''[^\r\n]*)'+ // ignore string literals '(?:\s+\w+|(?<=constructor))'+ // check that sub-program has name (or is constructor) '(?![^\r\n]*\W(?:abstract)\W)'+ // ignore abstract and external '(?![^\r\n]*\)[^\r\n]*:=[^\r\n]*;)'+ // ignore short methods '(?![^\r\n(]*:=[^\r\n]*;)'+ // ignore short methods with no () '[^\r\n]*(?:\r?\n)'+ // up to line break '(?![^\r\n]*(?<!\w)(?:public|private|protected|function|procedure)\W)'+ // ignore if next line is another class member '(?![^\r\n]*{\$endif)'+ // ignore if next line is $endif '(?! *(?://[^\r\n]*)?(?:\r?\n))'+ // ignore if next line is empty '\1(?!(?:begin|try)\W| )', // check wrong tabs RegexOptions.Singleline); var c := 0; var files := EnumerateAllFiles('G:\0Prog\POCGL', '*.pas').ToArray; foreach var fname in files index i do begin $'>>> {fname}'.Println; Console.Title := $'{i}/{files.Length} ({i/files.Length:P})'; var text := ReadAllText(fname); foreach var m: &Match in r.Matches(text) do begin var lc := text.Take(m.Index).CountOf(#10)+1; // count line and char both from 1 var cc := m.Index-text.LastIndexOf(#10,m.Index); $'[{fname}] at line {lc} char {cc}:'.Println; Write( text.Remove(m.Index)?[^100:] ); WriteInColor(m.Value, System.ConsoleColor.Yellow); Write( text.Remove(0,m.Index+m.Length)?[:100] ); Println; Println('='*50); c += 1; while true do begin var s := ReadlnString; case s of 'o': Exec(fname); '': break; else $'Unknown command [{s}]'.Println; end; end; end; end; Console.Title := $'Done'; $'Total {c} found'.Println; Readln; ```
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