Link to site:
I would stop updating this site for now as the code is very convoluted for now hahahaha ie hard to update without breaking other stuff/copy & paste multiple same code... I'm creating a new one using React. Again, I am a beginner in web-dev hence don't expect the new site to be out for some time hahahaha. Although there's no new features, the KTM schedule would be updated from time to time.
Train Malaysia is a website that shows you all about trains in Malaysia! For now, the trains only shows information in Klang Valley area but I will improve more on it!
Train Malaysia is made entirely by me, a beginner web developer hence if you have any error or bug report, you can share with me and I'll try my best to fix it! Also, please do not judge my horrible code haha.
Train Malaysia is made for mobile-first hence it would look good on mobile AND desktop!
Thank you to Haikal Fahkreez for the excellent KTM Schedule website!