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Data Analysis of Fantasy Game "Heroes of Pymoli"

This project involves analyzing purchasing patterns for a dummy video game company called "Heroes of Pymoli". Analysis is done about:

  • Player count
  • Purchasing analysis (total)
  • Gender demographics
  • Purchasing analysis (by gender)
  • Age demographics
  • Top spenders
  • Most popular items
  • Most profitable items

Observed Trends:

  • In both datasets, there are more men than women or other/non-disclosed genders purchasing items in the game
  • In both datasets, the most items were purchased within the 20-24 age group
  • In both datasets, kids under 10 were purchasing more items than people over 40

Markdown of Jupyter Notebook File

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
filename = input("file name:")
file name:purchase_data.json
# Set path for file
json_path = os.path.join("Resources", str(filename))
pymoli_data = pd.read_json(json_path)
Age Gender Item ID Item Name Price SN
0 38 Male 165 Bone Crushing Silver Skewer 3.37 Aelalis34
1 21 Male 119 Stormbringer, Dark Blade of Ending Misery 2.32 Eolo46
2 34 Male 174 Primitive Blade 2.46 Assastnya25
3 21 Male 92 Final Critic 1.36 Pheusrical25
4 23 Male 63 Stormfury Mace 1.27 Aela59
# Player Count
player_count = pymoli_data["SN"].nunique()
player_frame = pd.DataFrame({"Total Players": [player_count]})
Total Players
0 573
#Purchasing Analysis (Total)

#Number of Unique Items
unique_items= pymoli_data["Item ID"].nunique()

#Average Purchase Price
avg_price = round(pymoli_data["Price"].mean(),2)

#Total Number of Purchases
tot_purch = len(pymoli_data)

#Total Revenue
revenue = round(pymoli_data["Price"].sum(),2)

purch_analysis = pd.DataFrame(
    {"Number of Unique Items": [unique_items],
    "Average Price": [avg_price],
    "Number of Purchases": [tot_purch],
    "Total Revenue": [revenue]})
purch_analysis= purch_analysis[["Number of Unique Items","Average Price","Number of Purchases","Total Revenue"]]
Number of Unique Items Average Price Number of Purchases Total Revenue
0 183 2.93 780 2286.33
#Gender Demographics

count_gender = grouped_gender["SN"].nunique()

perc_gender = round((count_gender/player_count)*100,2)
gender = pd.DataFrame({"Total Count":count_gender,"Percentage of Players":perc_gender})
Percentage of Players Total Count
Female 17.45 100
Male 81.15 465
Other / Non-Disclosed 1.40 8
#Purchasing Analysis (Gender)
purchase_count = grouped_gender["SN"].count()
avg_price = round(grouped_gender["Price"].mean(),2)
tot_price = grouped_gender["Price"].sum()
norm_totals = round(tot_price/count_gender,2)
purch_analysis = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count": purchase_count,
                              "Average Purchase Price": avg_price,
                              "Total Purchase Value": tot_price,
                              "Normalized Totals": norm_totals})
purch_analysis = purch_analysis[["Purchase Count","Average Purchase Price", "Total Purchase Value", "Normalized Totals"]]
Purchase Count Average Purchase Price Total Purchase Value Normalized Totals
Female 136 2.82 382.91 3.83
Male 633 2.95 1867.68 4.02
Other / Non-Disclosed 11 3.25 35.74 4.47
#Bins for Age Demographics
bins = [0]
bin_value = ["<10"]
max_age = pymoli_data["Age"].max()

for x in range(2,int(max_age/5)+2):
    bins = bins + [(x*5)-1]

for x in range(1,len(bins)-2):
    bin_value = bin_value + [str(bins[x]+1)+"-"+str(bins[x+1])]

bin_value = bin_value + [str(max_age) + "+"]

#Age Demographics - need to group by SN.. add back in age, gender.. groupby age group (count and percentage)
pymoli_data["Age Group"] = pd.cut(pymoli_data["Age"],bins,labels = bin_value)
#Purchasing Analysis (Age)
age_group = pymoli_data.groupby(["Age Group"])
age_count = age_group.size()
age_avg_price = round(age_group["Price"].mean(),2)
age_tot_value = age_group["Price"].sum()
age_norm_tot = round(age_tot_value/age_count,2)
age_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count":age_count,
                             "Average Purchase Price": age_avg_price,
                             "Total Purchase Value": age_tot_value,
                             "Normalized Totals": age_norm_tot})

age_dataframe = age_dataframe[["Purchase Count","Average Purchase Price", "Total Purchase Value", "Normalized Totals"]]
Purchase Count Average Purchase Price Total Purchase Value Normalized Totals
Age Group
<10 28 2.98 83.46 2.98
10-14 35 2.77 96.95 2.77
15-19 133 2.91 386.42 2.91
20-24 336 2.91 978.77 2.91
25-29 125 2.96 370.33 2.96
30-34 64 3.08 197.25 3.08
35-39 42 2.84 119.40 2.84
40-44 16 3.19 51.03 3.19
45+ 1 2.72 2.72 2.72
top_spend_group = pymoli_data.groupby("SN")
top_spend_count = top_spend_group.size()
top_spend_avg = round(top_spend_group["Price"].mean(),2)
top_spenders = top_spend_group["Price"].sum()
top_spenders_frame = pd.DataFrame({"Total Purchase Value": top_spenders})

#Identify top 5 spenders
top_spenders_sort = top_spenders_frame.sort_values(by="Total Purchase Value",
                                                  ascending = False)
top_spenders_filter = top_spenders_sort.iloc[0:5].reset_index()

#join spenders with other calculations
top_spend_func_frame = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count": top_spend_count,
                                     "Average Purchase Price": top_spend_avg}).reset_index()

top_spenders_final = pd.merge(top_spenders_filter, top_spend_func_frame, on="SN")
SN Total Purchase Value Average Purchase Price Purchase Count
0 Undirrala66 17.06 3.41 5
1 Saedue76 13.56 3.39 4
2 Mindimnya67 12.74 3.18 4
3 Haellysu29 12.73 4.24 3
4 Eoda93 11.58 3.86 3
top_items = pymoli_data.groupby("Item ID")
top_items_group2 = pymoli_data.groupby(["Item ID","Item Name","Price"])
top_items_count = top_items.size()
top_items_value = top_items_group2["Price"].sum()
top_items_frame = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count": top_items_count})
#Identify most popular items
top_items_sort = top_items_frame.sort_values(by="Purchase Count",
                                                  ascending = False).reset_index()

end = top_items_sort["Purchase Count"].size

lastrow = 0

for row in range(4, end):
    if(top_items_sort.get_value(row,"Purchase Count") != top_items_sort.get_value(row + 1,"Purchase Count")):
        lastrow = row

if lastrow != 4:
    print("Note: As a result of ties, more than 5 items are the most popular. The tied values are printed")

top_items_filter = top_items_sort.iloc[0:lastrow+1].reset_index()

top_items_func_frame = pd.DataFrame({"Total Purchase Value": top_items_value}).reset_index()

#merge tables
top_items_final = pd.merge(top_items_filter, top_items_func_frame, on="Item ID")

#fix column order and price name
top_items_final = top_items_final[["Item ID","Item Name","Purchase Count","Price","Total Purchase Value"]]
top_items_final = top_items_final.rename(columns={"Price":"Item Price"})
Note: As a result of ties, more than 5 items are the most popular. The tied values are printed
Item ID Item Name Purchase Count Item Price Total Purchase Value
0 39 Betrayal, Whisper of Grieving Widows 11 2.35 25.85
1 84 Arcane Gem 11 2.23 24.53
2 31 Trickster 9 2.07 18.63
3 175 Woeful Adamantite Claymore 9 1.24 11.16
4 13 Serenity 9 1.49 13.41
5 34 Retribution Axe 9 4.14 37.26
#Most Profitable Items
top_values_frame = pd.DataFrame({"Total Purchase Value": top_items_value})
top_values_sort = top_values_frame.sort_values(by="Total Purchase Value",
                                                  ascending = False)
top_values_filter = top_values_sort.iloc[0:5].reset_index()
top_values_final = pd.merge(top_values_filter,top_items_sort, on="Item ID")

#rearrange columns and rename price column
top_values_final = top_values_final[["Item ID","Item Name","Purchase Count","Price","Total Purchase Value"]]
top_values_final = top_values_final.rename(columns={"Price":"Item Price"})
Item ID Item Name Purchase Count Item Price Total Purchase Value
0 34 Retribution Axe 9 4.14 37.26
1 115 Spectral Diamond Doomblade 7 4.25 29.75
2 32 Orenmir 6 4.95 29.70
3 103 Singed Scalpel 6 4.87 29.22
4 107 Splitter, Foe Of Subtlety 8 3.61 28.88


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