WorkPlace is where team members can communicate and share ideas with one another in order to keep everyone in the loop and up to date with the day to day events of their workplace.
The website is a Heroku/Zeit application and may take a minute to start up when logging in.
Two demo users that are part of the same WorkPlace page
Demo Creator
username: Cris
password: Thisis@testpassword!2
Demo Member
username: map
password: Thisis@testpassword!2
Landing Page
As a new user, I would like to learn more about what the site is about.
As a user, I want to register and create a workplace.
As a user, I want to register and join a workplace.
Sign In
As a user, I want to sign in to my workplace
User Feed
As a user, I want to see what has been posted on my workplace.
Ideas Page
As a user, I want to post an idea so the creator of the workplace can see it.
WorkPlace was built with:
- ReactJS
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Node.js
- Express.js
- PostgreSQL
- Mocha and Chai
- Pinned posts by WorkPlace creator
- Comments for posts
- See all users in your workplace
- Delete users from your workplace (for creators only)
- Edit user information
- Approving Ideas (creators)