This is a basic programming language with an interpreter and a compiler. Made for the ICL (Interpretação e Compilação de Linguagens) course at FCT 1920.
Tomas Pessanha - 41774
Gonçalo Feliciano - 44292
Runs the interpreter, and needs no arguments
Runs the compiler that takes code in 'ICL Language' and produces jasmin files (*.j)
usage: [-a] [-f <filePath>]
-a : Also assembles the jasmin files into .class bytecode.
-f <filePath> : Path to the file containing the code .
If run with no -f argument it runs in the console like the interpreter and complies the writen code.
It has no arguments, just run it and it will assemble the jasmin files into bytecode files writing them into the default directory.
In the config.propreties file located in the resource folder you can configure the ouptput directories of the compiler and assembler
This is a Maven project and Maven is used to facilitate the work of the programmer.
You can edit the grammar of the language by editing the Grammer.jj file in the Grammar folder.
After editing this file you can rebuild the parser with mvn clean clean:clean process-resources -f pom.xml
we suggest adding a run configuration for easy access.
Both jasmin and JavaCC are included in the project so you do not need to add them yourself.