This tool develops driving cycles for specific driving style properties (comfort, consumption, fastness, subjective safety) of AVs.
It is an ACC simulation of an AV that follows leading vehicle that drives one of the today known cycles. The parameters of the ACC controller vary depending on the driving style of the AV. Depending on the fastness of the AV, other vehicles can be overtaken by the AV or the AV can be overtaken by other vehicles.
To start the simulation, you have to run the GUI
You can find it in the folder
The GUI is shown in the following figure. The numbers 1-6 will explain its functionality.
The following description is brief. For a detailed explanation, please refer to the paper.
This defines the mode of the simulation. Depending on this input the values of the driving style or the values of the Controller Parameters are the input of the simulation.
The driving style of the AV is defined. The values of the properties comfort, swiftness and (subjective) safety can be chosen. The property consumption is optimized in the given input. The interval of the values ranges from 5 to 10. Unfeasible combinations are highlighted as invalid and the next valid combinations are recommended.
The controller parameters of the ACC controller are defined. If the Input mode is "Driving Style", this will be filled automatically. The parameters are Set time headways of ACC (t_set), Coefficient for deceleration (C_brk), P-coefficient of speed controller (P_a), P-coefficient of distance controller (P_v), Maximum acceleration of ACC (a_max), Maximum jerk of ACC (j_max), Coefficient for set speed (C_v,set) und Tolerance speed for overtaking (v_ovt_tol).
The traffic settings define the other vehicles. The Traffic Cycle defines their driving behavior and the Traffic Interval the distance in seconds between the other vehicles.
The four buttons start the different actions. Generate Cycle simulated the Driving Cycle with the current inputs. Export Cycle saves the current Driving Cycle and Export all Data all Driving Cycles. Exit closes the GUI.
In these six boxes, the simulated driving cycles are plotted. The blue line is the driving cycle of the AV, the orange one the leading vehicle. The chosen one is marked with frame. With a double click, you can choose another cycle.
- Matlab R2020b
- Control System Toolbox,
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox,
- Simulink,
- Simulink Real-Time,
- Stateflow
We are strongly encouraged to improve quality and functionality of AV_Driving_Cycles. If you have any Feedback don't hesitate to contact the authors or the group leader of the vehicle concept research group at FTM of the TUM.
V1.0 initial public version of AV_Driving_Cycles
- Xucheng Duan (Technical University of Munich): Code creating and detailing, Code documentation
- Ferdinand Schockenhoff (Institute for Automotive Technology, Technical University of Munich): Creation of research topic, Conceptualization, Supervison, Code documentation
This project is licensed under the LGPL License - see the file for details.
We used the LDS of König et al.:
- Repository:
- Paper: Adrian König, Lorenzo Nicoletti et. al. „An Open-Source Modular Quasi-Static Longitudinal Simulation for Full Electric Vehicles,“ in 15th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 2020, pp. 1–9, DOI: 10.1109/EVER48776.2020.9242981.
The following paper describes the development of the tool: