A web application that provides users a way to share and discover new recipes. This application was targeted towards casual users and food enthusiasts alike.
The application is targeted at people looking to manage their recipes. Recipe management is challenging, with people storing their collections in handwritten form or platform-specific applications. By virtue of being web-based, this application provides a platform-agnostic way of easily storing recipes to be accessed from anywhere on any device.
A full demo of the web application can be found here: https://youtu.be/Lcw65lYQdwE. Full credit goes to Raffi Maurer for this video.
Using pip install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment using virtualenv (at the project root): virtualenv recipe-virt
cd to: recipe-virt\Scripts
on Windows or recipe-virt/bin
on Linux
Run the Virtual Environment: activate
on Windows or source activate
on Linux
Pip install all the required libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the app : python manage.py runserver
admin.py Changes to Django admin interface
apps.py Configure app + sub-apps
models.py Model schema + methods
tests.py Test cases
urls.py URL patterns / routes
views.py Generate views
- Tahmid Uddin
- Jalp Desai (https://github.com/jalp14)
- Raffi Maurer (https://github.com/raffimaurer)
Running the code as it is will not work. All AWS and Heroku services have been deleted. To get it to work again you must setup your own AWS account or change the code such that everything is done locally.