UIkit's icon library can be extended and customized with your own icon files.
You can easily add Font Awesome 5 Icons to UIKit framework by including them in UIkit's build process with the following steps
1- Setup UIkit from Github source
Copy your prefered icons to your desired icons folder. The build process will check 3 places for svg icon files:
- The Source folder:
- The custom folder:
- Any custom theme:
npm run compile
Your additional icons will now be added to the icon library, in one of these two places:
if you have added the icon to UIkit globallydist/js/uikit-icons-mytheme.js
if the icon is only inside a UIkit theme
Make sure to include the icon library script, for more details see the installation instructions.
Add your icons anywhere in your content in the same way you add icons in UIKit 3.
Please notice that I have prefixed all the icons with fa-
to prevent conflict with any existing icons.
// Basic Example
<span uk-icon="fa-chrome"></span>
// With Ratio
<span uk-icon="icon: fa-bitcoin; ratio: 3.5;"></span>
// Ass Buttons
<a href="#" class="uk-icon-button" uk-icon="fa-twitter"></a>
The original Font Awesome 5 icons created by Dave Gandy can be found at http://fontawesome.io
UIKit 3 Framework License
Enjoy :)