Welcome to GamerBot, a Discord bot for game event management as well as gaming statistics.
GamerBot comes with a variety of commands for admins or game-night managers. Members can be muted, moved, etc in voice channels and there are many pre-built commands for moving around players in team voice channels for team based games such as Bedwars. It also comes with a setup command to setup your server ready for game nights in seconds!
GamerBot also uses APIs to provide live statistics for numerous games.
GamerBot also comes with many other useful commands, such as polling and nick-naming, so I suggest adding it to your server and trying it out! Invite link can be found at http://gamerbot.ga
The code is fully public in this repository for you to see how all the commands work. GamerBot#8134 is hosted on Heroku: Cloud Application Platform and is coded 100% in Python 3.9
Thank you, and happy gaming :)