Step 1 : Planning Phase
- Build a mock app, or wireframae with pen and paper
- Once we exactly know what we are building , it will be easy
- Components
- Header
- Logo
- Nav bar items (home , about us, cart)
- Body component
- Search
- Restaurant Card Container
- Restro Cards
- name , star rating , cusines, delivery time
- Restro Cards
- Footer
- copyright
- Links
- Address
- Contact
- Header
- our website is driven by data ( our web site is driven by configs)
- Controlling UI based on the Data coming
- Example : In swiggy , based on location the data changes and UI behaves accordingly
- whenever we use map we need to use the key
- IT takes a big performance hit , if we dont use keys
- React doesnt uniquely identify that items , so it will re render again all items , so we must use the keys whenever we use map in react
- some devs will use index as a key . React says never use index as a key (anti-pattern)
- unique key (best practice)>>>> index as key >>>>>>> not using key (not acceptiable)
export syntax : export default < componentName > //default export (1st type)
import syntax : import < componentName > from < fileLocation >
We cant write default export more than once , we should write only one default export
By default a file can export only one thing
To export multiple things we use names exports
- just write export infront of that things ( export const CON_URL="sdgfdg")
- import {CON_URL} from "../../utils/constants"; //example
- We should not keep any hardcoded data or anything in the component files
- We need to call in seperate files ( const.js or config.js or utils.js)
- REACT can do faster , efficient DOM manipulation
- useState - Hooks
React Hook - A normal javascript function given to us by react , which is prebuilt ( utility function)
- useState() - Gives the Super Powerful react state variables
- import {useState} from "react";
- used to create State Variable
- it maintains the state of the component
- local state Variable scope is inside the component
- const [restroList] = useState([//pass default value]); //Local state variable creation syntax by react
- let restroList ; //noraml Js variable creation
- To modify the restroList
- by a function , the function comes as second parameter in the array
- const [restroList , setRestroList]= useState([{Defaultdata}]);
- by a function , the function comes as second parameter in the array
- useEffect()
- useState() - Gives the Super Powerful react state variables
Whenever state varaible changes react render the components --> Quickly updates the UI -React keeps eye on state variable
- React fber is ongoing reimplemntation of Reacts core algorithm
Incremental Rendering : Ability to split the rendering work into chunks and spread out over multiple frames (React makes application faster)
- On the UI we have a DOM
- Suppose we have 7 restaurant cards
- After filtering our Ui changes to 3 restaurant cards -When we have 7 restaurants cards at beginning , react creates a Virtual DOM (Represntation of an Actual DOM ) --> Javascript Object (React Virtual Dom)
- Suppose we have 7 restaurant cards
- On the UI we have a DOM
- *ReactFiber* It will calculate the Differnce between the objects when any event happens and calculate the result and update the DOM at every render cycle
- impoert {useEffect} from "react";
- useEffect will take two arguments
- 1st Arrow function( Call back function)
- 2nd Dependency Array
- this call backfunction is called After our component renders
- If we want something to be called after our page renders we use UseEffect
- when we fect the swiggy api , we are getting error
- Access to fetch at API' from origin 'http://localhost:1234' has been blocked by CORS policy
- What is CORS policy ? Who is blocking us ?
- Our browsers block us from calling API from one origin to other origin
- How to bypass this cors ploicy error - Use CORS chrome exteniosn
- Shimmer UI is a technique for displaying loading states in web and mobile apps. It provides a FAKE PAGE the appearance of content that will eventually load, improving the user experience by providing visual feedback and reducing perceived wait times
- We make user psychologocly better
- when we load a page , we see a blank cards and eventually they will filled with data
- const [btn, setbtn] = useState('Click me');
- btn: This is the state variable that holds the current state value.
- setbtn: This is the state updater function. You call this function to update the state value of btn. When you call setbtn, React will re-render the whole component again with the new state value.
- Do you know?
- Many developers have doubt that How const state variable is updated , when it is constant?
- Answer : When we are using state setter it is re rendering the whole component , so the old const variable is not same , as it is totally rerendered it is actg like new variable , so it will update the value adn refernce and will re render
- Do you know?
STATE REACT VARIABLE - When ever state Variable update, react triggers a recoinciliation cycle ( re-renders the component) --> React has such amazing best algorithmsm to do this
and it will updatge only the portion required
Never Use anchor tag in react to navgiate through pages , beacuase anchor tag will rerender the whole page again when navigated
- Install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux
- Build our Redux store
- Connect our store to our App (React and redux bridge)
- Create a slice (cart slice)
- When we click on add button --> Dispatch an action
- Selector