graph based action detection and mobility assessment.
readme creation is in progress.
To extract video frames:
python3 --input input_video_path --output output_folder_path
To average the angles in a basic csv to the same length:
python3 --input input_video_path --output output_folder_path --avg angles_list_shrink
To execute the main code:
CSV with missing keypoints sample is provided here. The script expects the keypoints in this format with these column names.
EfficientHRnet output missing keypoints as -1.0. The angle calculation is done using 3 point method which requires all the three keypoints to calculate angles. For Example:
- Knee bend (angle) - Calculated between Hip, Knee and Foot keypoint.
- Hip bend (angle) - Calculated between Shoulder, Hip and Knee Keypoint.
- Angles calculation is done using Law of cosines. Since the keypoints are missing the resulting angles are -1.0 which makes it difficult to compare to the wearable sensors which in turn is considered as gt in our experiment.
- Write the keypoints from the keypoint detector into CSV like this for offline regression.
- Take only the columns with missing values and find its highly correlated columns For example : If the keypoints are missing in Foot then Foot x,y coordinates is highly correlated to knee than hip or shoulder.
- Take the X Variable(Ex : Knee_keypoint x,y) and Y Variable (Ex : Foot_keypoint x,y) and seperate it to train and test dataset. The test dataset has the datapoints with -1.0 values. Then perform train,val split on train dataset.
- Perform Random regression to get multi-ouput and then perform angle calculation on top of it.
- Script can be found here
pip install numpy
pip install opencv-python
pip install -U scikit-learn
pip install filterpy
python3 --input /path/To/KeypointsFromDetector.csv
--output /Path/To/RandomForestFinal.csv
--gt_file /Path/To/GT.csv
--image_dir /Path/To/imagesondataset
--outputimagedir /Path/To/RandomForest_FinalImages
--X1 Left Knee_x
--X2 Left Knee_y
--Y1 Left foot_x
--Y2 Left foot_y
- --input - Csv file with Missing keypoint detector
- --output - Path to Csv file to write the results
- --gt_file - Optional (if you want to display groundtruth on the images)
- --image_dir - Optional ( Location of the input image dataset)
- --outputimagedir - Optional ( Location to store the images with keypoints after regression for visualization)
- --X1 - Dependent variable column Left Knee_x
- --X2 - Dependent variable column Left Knee_y
- --Y1 - Target variable column Left foot_x
- --Y2 - Target variable column Left foot_y