- Add an option to show Planetarium spawn chance in the stat HUD
- BlendMode's variables are now RGBSourceFactor, RGBDestinationFactor, AlphaSourceFactor, AlphaDestinationFactor (previous names will still work for now)
- Added BlendFactor and BlendType enums for BlendMode
Fixes: - Fix regression caused by Godhead + Tear Detonator fix that prevented the aura from damaging enemies
- Fixed console wonkies involving input text edge detection and scaling
- Fixed Game:ShowGenericLeaderboard method to throw back to main menu even if leaderboards are no longer displayed after new run/continue
- Backdrops:
- Custom Backdrop support! with contents/backdrops.xml!
- Custom attribute reftype to specify the base backdrop for the custom ones
- Isaac.GetBackdropIdByName (self-explanatory make sure to give your backdrops a name!)
- MC_PRE/POST_BACKDROP_CHANGE callback accepting callbacktype as a return value on pre and recieving callbacktype as a param
- Stages:
- Isaac.SetCurrentFloorMusic(musicid): changes the default music for the current floor(will reset after you leave the floor).
- Isaac.SetCurrentFloorBackdrop(backdropid): changes the default backdrop for the current floor(will reset after you leave the floor).
- Isaac.SetCurrentFloorName(string): changes the stage name for the current floor(will reset after you leave the floor).
- Isaac.GetCurrentStageConfigId(): returns the stagesid from the stages xml for the current floor.
- Challenges:
- Added the "hidden" attribute to the challenges.xml that can hide modded challenges from the menu when it's anything but "false".
- Added support for the "achievements" attribute for modded challenges, so modded challenges can now be locked. This param also supports using modded achievements.
- Added a new "lockeddesc" attribute, so you can a custom message to be displayed when your challenge is locked (default is "LOCKED :("). Pretty useful for unlock hints.
- Familiar :
- RemoveFromPlayer
- CanBlockProjectiles
- CanBeDamagedByProjectiles
- CanBeDamagedByEnemies
- CanBeDamagedByLasers
- EntityNPC :
- GetDarkRedChampionRegenTimer
- EntityBomb:
- GetRocketAngle / SetRocketAngle
- GetRocketSpeed / SetRocketSpeed
- EntityPlayer:
- GetUrnSouls
- EntitiesSaveStateVector:
- Clear
- Minimap :
- SetState
- SetHoldTime
- EntityConfig:
- Added EntityConfig.GetBaby(i) and EntityConfig.GetMaxBabyID(), as well as the corresponding EntityConfigBaby class (its co-op babies).
- XMLData :
- XMLData.GetEntryByOrder: gets entries in the order they appear on the xmls.
- Callbacks :
- MC_POST_NPC_DARK_RED_CHAMPION_REGEN: Called right after a dark red champion regenerates out of goo form
- MC_POST_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCK: Called after an achievement is unlocked, has the achievement id as its param
- MC_PRE/POST_MINIMAP_UPDATE: Called right before or right after the minimap is updated
- MC_PRE/POST_MINIMAP_RENDER: Called right before or right after the minimap is rendered
- MC_PRE/POST_PLAYER_ADD_HEARTS(EntityPlayer Player, int Amount, AddHealthType AddHealthType, bool OptionalArg): Called when hearts are added to the player, allows changing the added amount of hearts.
- MC_POST_RENDER_PLAYER_HEAD/BODY we had the pre but not the post. Same args as the pre, but with the updated vector if its changed on pre
- MC_POST_PLAYERHUD_ACTIVE_ITEM now has an additional "ChargeBarOffset" arg (the screen position where the charge bar would be rendered)
- ImGui :
- Now supports multiline input. Use CTRL + Enter for a newline, useful for pasting Lua scripts or making fortunes
- Now has a horizontal scrollbar when needed for console input
- Console history reimplementation is now more accurate, properly removing duplicate entries from history when a command is executed from history
- Entity :
- GetCollisionCapsule offset vector argument is now optional (Vector.Zero)
- Pickup :
- Pickup:IsBlind method now checks natural blind effect (also added "CheckForcedBlindOnly" optional argument)
- Changed the destination goal sprites from the daily menu to match the style of the other paper sprites
* Fixed a vanilla game crash that happens with detonator+godhead which has been around for years
* Fixed issue that preventing the root attributes on repentogon-supported xmls(achievements,giantbook,backdrops) from working properly
* Fixed an issue that prevented custom parsed attributes from working on xmls with hugeass comments at the beginning of the file
* Fixed an issue where the console would behave sporadically when closed with numpad enter
* Fixed MC_POST_SFX_PLAY not firing properly when there was no PRE added.
* Fixed Achievement Reversed Hierophant enum naming (deprecated ones left for compatibility)
* Fixed a bug where adding modded follower familiars could sometimes freeze the game (especially while using MC_GET_FOLLOWER_PRIORITY).
* Fixed EntityNPC:GetBossColorIdx() not matching the values of the function in vanilla
* Callbacks re-implemented by REPENTOGON (such as MC_ENTITY_TAKE_DMG) now use their original callback IDs rather than a new one (fixes cases where the original ID was used directly, instead of the enum).
* MC_POST_PLAYERHUD_ACTIVE_ITEM's "Offet" arg now accounts for Book of Virtues & Judas' Birthright
* MC_POST_PLAYERHUD_ACTIVE_ITEM's "Scale" arg is now correctly halved for the secondary (schoolbag) slot
* Removed ImGui's automatic window resizing as it caused more issues than it solved
* Set a larger padding for ImGui to instruct it to always keep at least (100, 100) pixels of debug windows visible
Hotfix Marks and Achievement Tracking
changelog again
- Added Challenge completion tracking to the mod challenges menu
- Added localization code support
- Added settings to change unifont rendering size
- Add Update callbacks for GridEntityTNT
- Add Render callbacks for GridEntityLock and GridEntityTeleporter
- LayerState:
- Get/SetWrapSMode
- Get/SetWrapTMode
- these play some currently unknown role in allowing sprites to wrap around, and is required for Beam sprites
- Beam and Point have recieved some reworks in preparation for a future cord reimplementation
- The Sprite used in the Beam must be in the same "scope" as the Beam. For example, a global Sprite and local Beam works, but local Sprite` and global Beam won't. They can also both be global/local or in the same table.
- Point no longer has a Color object for the time being to save some space. It should hopefully return later, pending finding a good way to optimize it.
- Added PRE_PLAYERHUD_RENDER_HEARTS(Vector Offset(?), Sprite HeartsSprite, Vector Position, float Unknown) callback, returning true cancels hearts HUD rendering
- Added support for custom items in the items attr on players.xml by using their name instead of id.
- Added support for modded startitems,playertype and starttrinkets in challenges.xml.
- Added support for custom achievements in the achievement attribute for items.xml(cant lock items yet tho...)
- Added MC_POST_HUD_RENDER callback (good for rendering on top of the HUD)
- Added WeightedOutcomePicker:RemoveOutcome(int Value) and WeightedOutcomePicker:GetOutcomes()
- Added Entity Get/Set methods related to status effects countdown
- Added challenges.xml param unlocksachievement attribute, which tells which achievement is unlocked on the modded challenge completion.
- Added MC_POST_PRE_CHALLENGE_DONE to do stuff when a challenge is completed, on POST, or prevent its completion on PRE.
- Added the challenge functions Isaac.GetModChallengeClearCount, Isaac.ClearChallenge, Isaac.MarkChallengeAsNotDone and Isaac.IsChallengeDone.
- Changed the PRESS E FOR CHALLENGES MENU note, on the challenges menu, to follow you around and not be left at the top.
- Entity:ForceCollide() now works for EntityLasers
- ModsMenu.GetSelectedElement() and ModsMenu.SetSelectedElement() now start at 1 to be more intuitive
- ModsMenu.SetSelectedElement() clamps values below and above the amount of mods the player has
- The mods menu can now be scrubbed through! Left/Right will scroll three mods at a time. Page Up/PageDown on keyboard and Left/Right Trigger on controller will scroll ten mods at a time.
- Added WeightedOutcomePicker:AddOutcomeFloat(), WeightedOutcomePicker:Clear() and WeightedOutcomePicker:GetNumOutcomes()
- Fix GridEntity render callbacks being massively broken
- Fix PRE_GRID_ENTITY_SPAWN not accepting a table
- Fix potential crash with SpawnGridEntity(GridEntityDesc)
- main_ex.lua typechecking on this is temporarily disabled
- Will silently fail if returning an invalid type to prevent crashes
- Fix Entity:AddWeakness duration being incorrect
- Fix Beam:Add(Point) override
- Fix nomarks players.xml attribute
- Fix GetAchievementIdByName not working until Slot selection
- Fix XmlData.GetByName and GetById returning the input instead of nil when not finding anything
- Fix several XMLData Achievement SourceId clownery when mods set ids for their achievements
- Fix XMLData GetNumEntries being inconsistent
- Fix binder for Familiar:UpdateDirtColor
- Fix FlatPatch spam in repentogon.log by reworking Quick Room Clear patch
- Fix GridEntityDoor vanilla variables PreviousState/PreviousVaraint returning unusable userdata instead of integer
- Fix Weapon:SetFireDelay() not working
- Fix ModsMenu.SetSelectedElement() only having a cosmetic effect
- The error dialog now automatically gets dismissed the next time ImGui is opened
- Imgui.IsVisible()
- Added function overload for Isaac.GetLocalizedString(), which accepts LanguageCode string as paramater
- Added Scale param for POST_PLAYERHUD_RENDER_ACTIVE_ITEM callback
- Added Entity:GetDamageCountdown() and Entity:SetDamageCountdown()
- Fixed Eden's damage, range, and shot speed stats not properly changing
- The console reimplementation is now more faithful to the original, which fixes some cases where the output color was wrong
- Pickup:GetCollectibleCycle() length now limited by CycleCollectibleCount
- Fixed binder for Player:AddBoneOrbital
- Renamed Player method AddLeprocy -> AddLeprosy
- Fixed binder for PlayerHUD:RenderActiveItem
- Fixed a bug where POST_ITEM_OVERLAY_UPDATE callback passed unusable userdata instead of Giantbook ID
- Fixed PRE_ITEM_OVERLAY_SHOW callback not playing custom giantbook animation, when you replace vanilla one
- Fixed PRE_PLANETARIUM_APPLY_X_PENALTY softlocking the game
- Enabled mods/debug console disable access to enter daily run as before
- ColorParams
- Used to store the color and parameters passed by Entity:SetColor (Priority, Duration, Fadeout, Shared)
- Entity:CopyStatusEffects() now copies the Color over to the target Entity, including the proper duration and other parameters
- This can be toggled with the CopyColor argument, default true
- Isaac.IsInGame
- EntityPickup :
- GetCollectibleCycle
- RemoveCollectibleCycle
- Capsule :
- Capsule constructor
- MenuManager :
- GetViewPosition
- SetViewPosition
- The luamod command now supports autocomplete
- Dear ImGui console now has a back button to allow controllers & Steam Deck to exit
- dsound.dll will log when it's been unloaded to help debug cases of REPENTOGON not loading
- Improved constructors for Sprite and Font classes
- Added documentation for the MC_PRE_LEVEL_SELECT callback
- Added gfxback property to custom achievements xml
- Fix a crash with weapon-copying familiars and Spirit Sword
- Fixed a possible crash when GetNullFrame is called on a Sprite that is not yet fully loaded
- Fixed MC_POST_ENTITY_TAKE_DMG triggering when the player touches the white fireplace in downpour/dross
- Fix Card Against Humanity only ever spawning regular poops
- Fix crawlspace floors (and possibly other unnoticed cases) not rendering
- Fix Entity:CopyStatusEffects(Entity, Entity) doing nothing
- Fix potential issue with XMLData.GetNumEntries
- Improve paramater validation for MC_PRE_LEVEL_SELECT to prevent possible crashes
- Modify vanilla function Game():GetPlayer to prevent possible crashes
- Changelog can now be safely closed using the "menu back" button e.g. Esc
- Fixed AnimationData:IsLoopingAnimation returning boolean, instead of integer
- Fixed a custom cutscene issue that played the Intro on cases where it shouldnt