All Udacity FrontEnd Web Developer projects which are created by me with clean code
- CSS & Website Layout- Introduction to HTML, Introduction to CSS, Introducing Flexbox, CSS Grid, Creating Responsive Layouts.
- JavaScript & The DOM- Syntax, The Document Object Model, Creating Content with JavaScript, Working with Browser Events, Performance.
- Web API's & Asynchronous Applications- Node & Express Environment, HTTP Requests & Routes, Asynchronous JavaScript.
- Build Tools, Webpack & Service Worker- Intro to Build Tools, Basics of Webpack, Sass and Webpack, Final Touches.
- EXTRA'S- Intro to Computer Science, Responsive Web Design Fundamentals, Responsive Images, JavaScript Basics, Intro to JQuery, Object-Oriented JavaScript, HTML5 Canvas, Website Performance Optimization, Browser Rendering Optimization, Intro to AJAX, JavaScript Design Patterns, JavaScript Testing.
- career services
- Capstone (4 APIS used)
- P1 - Personal Web Blog
- P2 - Landing Page
- P3 - Weather Journal app
- P4 - Evaluate a News Article with Natural Language
- P5 - Improve your linkedin profile
- P6 - Improve your github profile
- P7 - FEND-Capstone-Travel-App
##Live URL'S:-
- P1 -
- P2 -
- P3 - yarn install & yarn start
- P4 - yarn install & yarn start
- P5 -
- P6 -
- P7 -