Aome is a telegram bot capable of answering commands and having conversation. This project with Python, the CoinGecko API, and the following libraries:
You can interact with the bot here.
In order to run this app locally you must first clone the repository with:
git clone
Then, navigate inside the directory and install the necessary dependencies with:
pip install datetime pyjokes requests python-telegram-bot
Then, replace the api_key
api_key = 'YOUR_BOT_API_KEY'
Finally, you can run the
Everything Aome can do in English, she can do in Spanish. This includes, answering commands, displaying crypto data, telling the time, telling jokes, and having a conversation.
Aome is capable of answering commands such as: /start
, /help
, /contact
, and /ayuda
Aome is capable of having small conversations, like greeting the user and introducing herself. Keep in mind, the possible input from the user is not tokenized so the input must be one of the predetermined phrases for Aome to recognize and respond to it. There are multiple variations of each supported phrase included, so don't worry too much about your grammar.
Aome is capable of telling the time as a response to phrases like "tell me the time"
or "dame la hora"
Aome is capable of telling a joke as a response to phrases like "make me laugh"
or "cuéntame un chiste"
Aome can display market data for any cryptocurrency thanks to the CoinGecko API, to use this feature, simply type the name of the desired coin.
CoinGecko's API is called upon receiving a user_message
that is recognized as part of the API's array of cryptocurrencies. It will provide an array of different market stats for the coin, which can then be displayed.
coinList = ''
listCall = requests.get(coinList)
jsonCall = json.loads(listCall.content)
coinIds = [item["id"] for item in jsonCall]
def sample_responses(input_text):
user_message = str(input_text).lower()
if user_message in (coinIds):
page = ''
api = requests.get(f'{page}{user_message}')
json_data = json.loads(api.content)
name = json_data['name']
symbol = json_data['symbol']
price = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['current_price']['usd']))
high24 = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['high_24h']['usd']))
low24 = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['low_24h']['usd']))
market_cap = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['market_cap']['usd']))
price1h = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['price_change_percentage_1h_in_currency']['usd']))
price24h = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['price_change_percentage_24h_in_currency']['usd']))
price7d = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency']['usd']))
price30d = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['price_change_percentage_30d_in_currency']['usd']))
price1y = "{:,.2f}".format(float(json_data['market_data']['price_change_percentage_1y_in_currency']['usd']))
return f"Displaying {name}'s Data\n\nSymbol: {symbol} | Current Price: ${price}\n\n24H High: ${high24} | 24H Low: ${low24}\n\nMarket Cap: ${market_cap}\n\nPrice Changes:\n1H: {price1h}% | 24H: {price24h}%\n7D: {price7d}% | 30D: {price30d}%\n1Y: {price1y}%\n\n\nMostrando Información de {name}\n\nSímbolo: {symbol} | Precio Actual: {price}\n\nMáx. 24H ${high24} | Mín. 24H ${low24}\n\nCapitalización de Mercado: ${market_cap}\n\nCambios en el Precio:\n1H: {price1h}% | 24H: {price24h}%\n7D: {price7d}% | 30D: {price30d}%\n1A: {price1y}%"