⚠ 网盘下载:https://wws.lanzoui.com/b025yl86h 访问密码:
⚠ 酷安应用市场:https://www.coolapk.com/apk/com.idormy.sms.forwarder
项目中涉及的任何代码/APK,仅用于测试和学习研究,禁止用于商业用途,不能保证其合法性,准确性,完整性和有效性,请根据情况自行判断。 -
和/或代码仓库的任何其他贡献者均不对该等行为产生的任何后果(包括但不限于隐私泄露)负责。 -
隐私声明:SmsForwarder 不会收集任何您的隐私数据!!!APP启动时发送版本信息发送到友盟统计;手动检查新版本时发送版本号用于检查新版本;除此之外,没有任何数据!!!
简单 只做两件事:监听手机短信/来电/APP通知 --> 根据指定规则转发
- 简洁:(当时用Pad的时候,看手机验证码各种不方便,网上搜了好久也没有理想的解决方案)
- AirDroid:手机管理工具功能太多,看着都耗电,权限太多,数据经过三方,账号分级
- IFTTT:功能太多,看着耗电,权限太多,数据经过三方,收费
- 还有一些其他的APP(例如:Tasker)也是这些毛病
- 省电:运行时只监听广播,有短信才执行转发,并记录最近n条的转发内容和转发状态
- 健壮:越简单越不会出错(UNIX设计哲学),就越少崩溃,运行越稳定持久
- 监听短信,按规则转发(规则:什么短信内容/来源转发到哪里)
- 转发到钉钉机器人(支持:单个钉钉群,@某人)
- 转发到邮箱(支持:SMTP)
- 转发到Bark(支持:验证码/动态密码自动复制)
- 转发到webhook(支持:单个web页面(向设置的url发送POST/GET请求))
- 转发到企业微信群机器人
- 转发到企业微信应用消息
- 转发到ServerChan(Server酱·Turbo版)
- 转发到Telegram机器人(支持设置代理)
- 转发到其他手机短信【注意:非免费的,转发短信运营商有收费的,建议没有网络时启用,并设置好内容过滤规则】
- 在线检测新版本、升级
- 清理缓存
- 兼容 Android 5.xx、6.xx、7.xx、8.xx、9.xx、10.xx、11.xx
- 支持双卡手机,增加卡槽标识/运营商/手机号(如果能获取的话)
- 支持多重匹配规则
- 支持标注卡槽号码(优先使用)、设备信息;自定义转发信息模版
- 支持正则匹配规则
- 支持卡槽匹配规则
- 转发未接来电提醒(固定sim1卡发出提醒)
- 接口请求失败后延时重试5次(可配置间隔时间,成功一次则终止重试)
- 转发到飞书机器人
- 自定义 Scheme(forwarder://main)用于唤起App
- 电池电量、状态变化预警
- 多语言支持(目前:中文、英文)
- 增加配置导出导入功能(一键克隆)
- 监听其他APP通知信息并转发
- 转发到PushPlus
- 转发规则上允许自定义模板(留空则取全局设置)
- 转发规则上支持配置正则替换内容
- 提交issues 或 pr
- 加入交流群(群内都是机油互帮互助,禁止发任何与SmsForwarder使用无关的内容)
钉钉客户群 | QQ机油互助交流1群:562854376 | QQ机油互助交流2群:31330492 | 企业微信群 |
- https://github.com/xiaoyuanhost/TranspondSms (基于此项目优化改造)
- https://github.com/square/okhttp (网络请求)
- https://github.com/xuexiangjys/XUpdateAPI (在线升级)
- https://github.com/mailhu/emailkit (邮件发送)
- https://github.com/alibaba/fastjson (Json解析)
- https://github.com/getActivity/XXPermissions (权限请求框架)
- (License Certificate for JetBrains All Products Pack)
SmsForwarder - listens to SMS, incoming calls, and App notifications on Android mobile devices, and forward according to user defined rules to another App/device, including DingTalk, WeCom and WeCom Group Bot, Feishi Bot, E-mail, Bark, Webhook, Telegram Bot, ServerChan, PushPlus, SMS, etc.
⚠ Repo address: https://github.com/pppscn/SmsForwarder/releases
⚠ Repo mirror in China: https://gitee.com/pp/SmsForwarder/releases
⚠ Internet storage: https://wws.lanzoui.com/b025yl86h, access password:
⚠ CoolAPK.com: https://www.coolapk.com/apk/com.idormy.sms.forwarder
Any code/APK of
related to the this repository is for test, study, and research only, commercial use is prohibited. Legality, accuracy, completeness and validity of any code/APK of this repo is guaranteed by NOBODY, and shall only be determined by User. -
and/or any other Contributor to this repo is NOT responsible for any consequences (including but not limited to privacy leakage) arising from any user's direct or indirect use or dissemination of any code or APK ofSmsForwarder
, regardless of whether such use is in accordance with the laws of the country or territory where such user locates or such use or dissemination occurs. -
Should any entity finds the code/APK of this repo infringing their rights, please provide notice and identity and proprietorship document, and we will delete relating code/APK after examining such document.
collects absolutely NO any of your personal data!! Except 1) version information to umeng.com for stats as the App starts, and 2) version number when manually check for update,SmsForwarder
is NOT sending any data without users' knowledge.
Simplicity - SmsForwarder
does two things only: Listen to "SMS service/Incoming calls/App notifications", and forward according to rules specified by user.
Benefit by simplicity:
Efficient: (It's inconvenient to read the security codes such as OTP on a mobile phone, when you are using another device; and no solution satisfices our needs)
- AirDroid: Too many functionalities, power consuming, requiring to many permissions, data relayed by a 3rd party, paid premium service...
- IFTTT: Too many functionalities, power consuming, requiring to many permissions, data relayed by a 3rd party, paid premium service...
- And other Apps (e.g. Tasker) with similar features.
Energy friendly: listens to broadcast only when running, and forwards message only when texts are received and logs recent forwarding contents and status.
Endurance: "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication." The simpler the code is, the less it errs or crashes; that is what make the app runs longer.
- Listen to SMS service, and forward according to user-defined rules (SMS contents to destination);
- Forward to DingTalk Bot (to a group chat and @SOMBODY);
- Forward to E-mail (SMTP with SSL encryption);
- Forward to Bark;
- Forward to webhook (a single web page sending POST/GET requests to a designated URL);
- Forward to WeCom Bots;
- Forward to WeCom enterprise channels;
- Forward to ServerChan·Turbo;
- Forward to Telegram Bots (Proxy support ready);
- Forward to another mobile phone via SMS [Note: Paid service, carriers may charge for SMS forwarding. SMS forwarding should apply with filtered rules when device has no Internet access.]
- Check for new version and upgrade;
- Cache purge;
- Compatible with Android 5.xx, 6.xx, 7.xx, 8.xx, 9.xx, and 10.xx;
- Support for dual SIM slots smartphones and label different slots/carrier/phone number (if available);
- Support for multi-level rules;
- Support for customized labeling of SIM slots and device, and customized forwarding templates;
- Support for rules with regular expression
- Support for rules for different SIM slots;
- Forward missed call information (forwarded by SIM1 slot by default);
- Retry 5 times after a failed request (customized interval time, stop retrying once successfully request);
- Forward to FeiShu Bot;
- Customized scheme (forwarder://main) wake up other Apps;
- Monitor of battery status changes;
- I18n support (Chinese and English currently);
- Support for setting import and export functions (One-key cloning);
- Listen to notifications of other Apps and forward;
- Forward to PushPlus;
- Support for customized template of forwarding rules (default template overrides if left blank);
- Support for variables in regular expression of forwarding rules;
- Submit an issue or Pull Request.
- Join group chat (only Chinese groups/channels available currently)
DingTalk | QQ user group #1: 562854376 | QQ user group #2: 31330492 | WeCom |
Thanks to the projects below,
won't exists without them!
- https://github.com/xiaoyuanhost/TranspondSms (Foundation of
) - https://github.com/square/okhttp (http communications)
- https://github.com/xuexiangjys/XUpdateAPI (online update)
- https://github.com/mailhu/emailkit (email sending)
- https://github.com/alibaba/fastjson (json parsing)
- https://github.com/getActivity/XXPermissions (permission requiring)
- (License Certificate for JetBrains All Products Pack)