** For Educational Purposes only **
I decided I wanted to make an open source version of Dani's Karlson game. The original game can be downloaded on itch here" https://danidev.itch.io/karlson. Dani posts videos on his channel, Dani, here: https://www.youtube.com/c/DaniDev. In order to decompile the game i used UtinyRipper (can be downloaded here: https://github.com/mafaca/UtinyRipper). The scripts were messed up and nothing worked so i've been working to get them to function. I hope to add modding support (maps, weapons, materials) in the future, though the short term plan is just to get a functioning game. Currently the tutorial level is the only functioning level ,though this will be changed in the future. Im also working on a map editor for it, so that should be cool. I used https://www.telerik.com/products/decompiler.aspx telerik jutdecompile to decompile the scripts
Fownload the unity project > extract it somewhere safe > go to unity hub > press the add button > select the extracted folder > set the version 2020.1.4f1 (other versions might work but i cant guarantee it.) > and open it At the moment, dont report bugs, the project is very volatile at the moment. If you have suggestions, consider sending them in the #suggestions chat in our discord server: [REMOVED] I'm new to github so send me a message in discord if you have recommendations or things you've made that you want to add