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Adding this repository to a cmake project

Jens Hedegaard Nielsen edited this page Feb 12, 2015 · 2 revisions

The files in this repository can be added individually or as a whole to a project, as long as the MIT copyright terms are followed. One possibility is to include this project as a git submodule.

However, the easiest method may well be to have this repository downloaded upon configuration of a project. In that case, the file LookUp-GreatCMakeCookOff.cmake should be downloaded and inserted into the target project. It can then be included in the target project's main CMakeLists.txt file:


This will download the cook-off into the build directory right at configure time. Cook-off recipes can then be used anywhere below that.

Another option is to point CMake towards the location on disk where a repo of the cook-off can be found, or more explicitely, where the file GreatCMakeCookOffConfig.cmake can be found. This is done with cmake -DGreatCMakeCookOff_DIR=/path/to/cookoff/cmake ... Please note that this trick works for any CMake project that defines SomethingConfig.cmake files.