A simulation of the Mad Libs game using Python.
When prompted, enter a word which fits the part of speech displayed by the computer. Press 'Enter' or 'Return' to continue to the next stage of the game. Note: your input must be a word! It may not contain numeric values, hyphens, underscores, or anything other than alphabetic characters.
Hint: the story will make more sense if you enter a place for the first prompt!
After you have entered in the five words, be prepared for a treat: a computer-generated story using your very own input!
The following flaskapp/ folder structure was inspired by the Flask tutorial found on this web page: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/an-introduction-to-pythons-flask-framework--net-28822. It contains the folder app, for holding all the Flask-related files. Within app, the project contains: a folder called static, which holds folders to hold the projects images, CSS, and Javascript files; another folder called templates holds the app's templates, and the file routes.py holds the app's logic.