- The Mini-torrent project is basically a peer-to-peer file sharing network. The user has functionalities like sharing a file, downloading a file, removing a file from sharing etc. It is basically like the Bit-Torrent we have on the internet.
- The architecture is such that there are multiple clients(users) and a tracker which stores the metadata of which all users have a file, basically a file-user mapping.
Software Requirement
G++ compiler
- To install G++ :
sudo apt-get install g++
- To install G++ :
OpenSSL library
- To install OpenSSL library :
sudo apt-get install openssl
- To install OpenSSL library :
Platform: Linux
- Compile tracker :
cd tracker
g++ -o <tracker_name> tracker_A3.cpp
ex: g++ -o tracker tracker_A3.cpp
- Run Tracker:
cd tracker
ex: ./tracker tracker.txt
contains the IP, Port details of all the trackers it is in .txt format.
- Close Tracker:
- Compile tracker :
cd client
g++ -o <client_name> client_A3.cpp
ex: g++ -o client1 tracker_A3.cpp
- Run Client:
cd client
ex: ./client1 tracker.txt
- Create user account:
create_user <user_id> <password>
- Login:
login <user_id> <password>
- Create Group:
create_group <group_id>
- Join Group:
join_group <group_id>
- Leave Group:
leave_group <group_id>
- List pending requests:
list_requests <group_id>
- Accept Group Joining Request:
accept_request <group_id> <user_id>
- List All Group In Network:
- List All sharable Files In Group:
list_files <group_id>
- Upload File:
upload_file <file_path> <group_id>
- Download File:
download_file <group_id> <file_name> <destination_path>
- Logout:
- Show_downloads:
- Stop sharing:
stop_share <group_id> <file_name>
- User should create an account and register with tracker.
- Login using the user credentials.
- Tracker maintains information of clients with their files(shared by client) to assist the clients for the communication between peers.
- User can create Group and hence will become admin of that group.
- User can fetch list of all Groups in server.
- User can join/leave group.
- Group admin can accept group join requests.
- Share file across group: Shares the filename and SHA1 hash of the complete file as well as piecewise SHA1 with the tracker.
- Fetch list of all sharable files in a Group.
- Download:
- Retrieve peer information from tracker for the file.
- Download file from multiple peers (different pieces of file from different peers - piece selection algorithm) simultaneously and all the files which client downloads will be shareable to other users in the same group. File integrity is ensured using SHA1 comparison.
- Piece selection algorithm used: Selects random piece and then downloads it from a random peer having that piece.
- Show downloads.
- Stop sharing file.
- Logout - stops sharing all files.
- Whenever client logins, all previously shared files before logout should automatically be on sharing mode.
- Only one tracker is implemented and that tracker should always be online.
- The peer can login from different IP addresses, but the details of his downloads/uploads will not be persistent across sessions.
- SHA1 integrity checking doesn't work correctly for binary files, so i remove the functionality of SHA1 in github uploaded version.
- File paths should be absolute.