Loggregatorlib includes packages and libraries used by loggregator.
The emitter is an external library used to emit messages to the loggregator server.
export GOPATH=`pwd`
mkdir -p src/github.com/cloudfoundry
cd src/github.com/cloudfoundry
git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/loggregatorlib.git
cd loggregatorlib
go get ./...
go test -i --race ./...
go test -v --race ./...
go vet ./...
- cfcomponent: Components used by Loggregator for use with CloudFoundry.
- emitter: GO library to emit messages to the loggregator. For instructions see the emitter/README.
- loggregatorclient: A package used to send UDP messages. Used by Emitter and DEAagent.
- logmessage: The package for loggregator protobuffer messages.
- appid: Contains the id of an app that is the target of a logmessage
- lib_testhelpers: Helpers for testing