Conway's Game of Life is a one-dimensional simulation game devised by mathematician John Conway. This Python implementation utilizes libraries such as numpy
, matplotlib
, and tkinter
to generate the board, visualize the game, and interact with the user through a graphical user interface (GUI).
- The main file containing the Game of Life code.
- Additional file containing the GUI-related code.
- requirements.txt: A file containing a list of dependencies required to run the program.
- A test file containing Pytest tests for the GUI-related code.
- Ensure you have a compatible version of Python installed, as specified in the
file. - Install the dependencies by running the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Run the game using the command:
- Upon running the program, a window with a tkinter-based user interface will appear.
- Available options include:
- "Show Board": Displays the current state of the board in the console.
- "Do Iterations": Performs number of animation speed iterations of the game and displays the current state of the board in the GUI.
- "Show Evolution": Displays a chart depicting the evolution of the number of live cells over iterations.
- "Exit": Closes the program.
- "Clear Boad": Clears the board
- "Save Board": Saves a txt with current board
- "Load Board": Load a txt file with board and displays it
- "Animation Speed": Changes a number of iterations that "Do iterations" do
- The board is a two-dimensional grid of cells.
- Each cell can be either "alive" (marked as "0") or "dead" (marked as ".").
- Each cell has 8 neighbors (cells on the sides, top, bottom, and diagonally).
- The state of cells on the board changes according to the following rules:
- A live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies from loneliness.
- A live cell with more than three live neighbors dies from overpopulation.
- A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes alive.
- In all other cases, the state of the cell remains unchanged.
- The project was created using Python version 3.11.6.
- Author: Patryk Kozłowski.
To run tests, you can use the following command:
The project includes Pytest tests for the GUI-related code (
). These tests ensure the correctness of the implemented functionality and can be expanded as needed.