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React Frontend + GraphQL API   ┃┃
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Getting started


  • NodeJS version 14
  • A backend API to connect this frontend app to. This app connects to the backend defined in REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL in the .env file. To setup the coordinape-backend app locally and use that as your API, follow the instructions.
    • You can optionally use if you don't want to run your API locally
  • An Infura project id: Infura
    • After you sign up for an account, go to Ethereum > Create New Project and the project ID will be available on the settings page
  • A browser with MetaMask installed (it's the officially supported wallet)
  • Docker

Getting Started (Frontend)

  1. Clone the git repo: git clone
  2. Install packages: yarn install
  3. Setup a local .env file: cp .env.example .env
    • set REACT_APP_INFURA_PROJECT_ID to your Infura project ID (see Prerequisites)
    • set REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL to your API URL (or use the Staging API URL)
  4. Start yarn: yarn start
    • If you get errors related to package @coordinape/hardhat on app startup, run ./scripts/ before yarn start
  5. Visit app: http://localhost:3000

Running Hasura

If you are making any changes to the GraphQL API / data model or want to run it locally, follow the steps below:

  1. Run Postgres and Hasura using Docker with yarn docker:start.
    • It might take several minutes to start if you're running it for the first time
    • If you have any stale containers / run into errors, try running yarn docker:clean first.
  2. Once Hasura is ready (can check by running curl localhost:8080/healthz), run yarn hasura console to open up the GUI for interacting with Hasura.
    • You'll need to install the hasura-cli npm module: npm i -g hasura-cli
  3. In the console, you can update the data model, create relationships, configure permissions, or create custom queries / mutations / triggers. Check out this tutorial to get up to speed with how to use Hasura.
  4. Any changes you make in the Console will be reflected in your local hasura directory as migrations or metadata. These will be applied to the staging/production instance once merged via PR. Check out this tutorial on how to manage migrations / metadata and other advanced Hasura functionality.
  5. Check out the Hasura Docs to learn about the various functionality and how to use it.

App Structure

Bootstrapped with Create React App.

See HistoryPage as an exemplar top level component.

Key libraries

  • Recoil
  • Material UI
  • ethers
  • axios
  • Luxon
  • Sentry (error reporting)
  • d3-force-3d
    • See forked canvas-color-tracker for brave compatibility

State Management w/ Recoil

Recoil defines a consistent data graph that will suspend the app when useRecoilState(rIdentifier) has an unresolved promise. See their video and documentation.

The basic distinction is between atoms and selectors. selectors will be rerun when any of their dependencies change and with each run the dependency list can change, unlike with hooks. atomFamily and selectorFamily allow parameterization.

Recoil in this app

  • Recoil identifiers are Global
  • Prefer to minimize atoms and selectors now
  • Most data consolidated into profile & circle state
    • useSelectedCircle & useMyProfile
  • Advanced Recoil concepts:

API requests

  • Types are currently manually matched to our server
    • e.g. api.epoch.d.ts and post params: api.d.ts
  • const useRecoilLoadCatch()
    • standard wrapper that can trigger loading and error message
  • App data loaded in useApiBase
    • fetchManifest fetchCircle fetchProfile


@exrhizo developed a in house form lib inspired by React Hook Form with the intention of easy customization. Perhaps too clever.

  • Forms are configured with a Zod Parser
  • See AdminUserForm for a simple use
  • Doesn't have first class support of array fields


  1. Install packages: yarn hardhat:install
  2. Make sure ETHEREUM_RPC_URL is defined in your .env file
  3. Load contracts: git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. Compile contracts: yarn hardhat:compile
  5. Run tests: yarn hardhat:test
  6. Start local blockchain node: yarn hardhat:dev <your_address_here>
  7. Deploy contracts: yarn hardhat:deploy
  8. Codegen deploymentInfo: yarn hardhat:codegen
  9. Build hardhat package: yarn hardhat:build
  10. Link hardhat package: yarn --cwd ./hardhat link && yarn link @coordinape/hardhat


  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace') You need to configure a local .env file with some private variables. Ask someone for these.

  • error: no template named 'remove_cv_t' in namespace 'std'; did you mean 'remove_cv' Probably related to node-sass versions. Node v16 only works with node-sass 6.0.1 or newer. sass/node-sass#3077


ascii art above: image - font


No releases published


No packages published


  • TypeScript 99.3%
  • Other 0.7%