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bHaptics Firebot Script

This script allows Firebot to trigger the bHaptics gear.

What is bHaptics?

bHaptics is a set of tactile suit with vibro-tactile motors and has lag-free wireless connectivity to bring the best possible haptics experience. This includes a vest (both 16 and 40), gloves, arm, feed, and face (for VR).

Script SDK

This script uses a modified version of tact-js (bHaptics TypeScript/Javascript SDK; The modifications were nessary to work well with Firebot and allow remote connection.


The basic function of the script are working, but there are still some functions that are still being worked on. See below:

Status Item
✔️ Register TACT File (File or RAW)
✔️ Submit Registrated Key
✔️ Submit Scaled Registrated Key
✔️ Submit Rotation Registrated Key
Submit Dot
Submit Path
✔️ Stop Active Registrated
✔️ Stop All Active
✔️ Connection Event
✔️ Disconnect Event
Position Connection Event
✔️ Submitted Registration Event
Active Registration Event

Items with ❌ are still being worked on and future features might be added (within the limits of Firebot, bHaptics API, and the Equipement). I have reached out to bHaptics about an API guide as there is currently no way to remove a registered keys. Currently, restarting Firebot or bHaptics Player will reset all registered items.

Head over to the Wiki for more information about how to use this Firebot Script. Please Report any issues.



  1. Pull down a copy of the Repo
  2. npm install



  1. npm run build
  • Copy .js from /dist