For an overview download the AAPM 2023 poster: Download PDF.
For a step-by-step explanation of using this tool see this TMLI RapidPlan clinical description: PDF, Annex A.
- supports either: C series / TrueBeam / Halcyon / Ethos
Requires Head First Supine superior series with rigid registration to inferior Feet First Supine Series in External Beam Planning
- no plan needed
- default CT slice thickness taken from existing scans but can be resampled
- progress bar is accurate, could take approximately 30 minutes to complete concatenation
- import fully merged CT series from output directory (i.e C:\Temp) when completed
- will automatically place all beams on full body image set
- will support single isocenter shifts head to foot (X fixed,Y fixed,Z changes)
- will also support additional lateral shifts for wider patients (X changes,Y fixed,Z changes)
- copy and paste twice the complete plan created in HFS orientation with desired dose distribution head to foot
- in one plan delete all beams/isocenters that will be treated HFS and the other plan FFS
- DICOM export the plan that has only the inferior isocenters that is currently in the HFS orientation
- launch this tool, click the Aperture Rotation tab, and selected the exported plan file for aperture rotation
- after aperture rotation script completes import new plan from subdirectory
- calculate dose with fixed MUs
- create a plan sum with superior plan
- dose should be identical to initial completed plan
- re-process CT series with desity of a structure overridden or "burned-in"
- breaks each isocenter group into separate plan, treatment approves plans and adds needed setup notes