If MQTT addon is not installed, Goto
OpenHAB Paper UI -> Ad-ons -> Bindings
and search for mqtt. Make sure to install the2.x
listing of it.
There are 2 ways of creating the required things/items in OpenHAB, using the paper UI and through text files. Over here I am going to use the text files way, as this makes managing and backing up easy.
Navigate to things
folder in your OpenHAB installation. For OpenHabian
it is /etc/openhab2/things
Create a new file boker.things
and paste the following content.
Bridge mqtt:broker:localMosquitto "Mosquitto" [ host="", port="1883", secure=false, username="", password="", clientID="A_RANDOM_String" ]
Make sure to change the content (host,port, username, password) as per your setup/installation.
Navigate to things
folder in your OpenHAB installation. For OpenHabian
it is /etc/openhab2/things
Create a new file energy_meter.things
and paste the following contents,
Thing mqtt:topic:localMosquitto:EnergyMeter "Energy Meter" (mqtt:broker:localMosquitto) {
Type number : power "Power" [ stateTopic="home/energymeter/93/data", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER" ]
Type number : voltage "Voltage" [ stateTopic="home/energymeter/93/data", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.VOLT" ]
Type number : current "Current" [ stateTopic="home/energymeter/93/data", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.AMP" ]
Type number : energy "Energy" [ stateTopic="home/energymeter/93/data", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY" ]
Make sure to change the mqtt topic as per your conveneince. I have subsribed to smae topic and using
JSONPath Transformation
to parse the incomingJSON
data. To use this however you need to haveJSONPath Transformation
add on for OpenHAB installed. This can be done fromTRANSFORMATIONS
tab inAdd-ons
Navigate to `items` folder in your OpenHAB installation. For `OpenHabian` it is `/etc/openhab2/items`.
Create a new file energy_meter.items
and paste the following contents,
Group gEnergyMeter
Number EnergyMeterPower "Power [%.2f Watt]" <alarm> (gEnergyMeter) { channel="mqtt:topic:localMosquitto:EnergyMeter:power" }
Number EnergyMeterVoltage "Voltage [%.2f Volt]" <poweroutlet_au>(gEnergyMeter) { channel="mqtt:topic:localMosquitto:EnergyMeter:voltage" }
Number EnergyMeterCurrent "Current [%.2f Amp]" <cistern> (gEnergyMeter) { channel="mqtt:topic:localMosquitto:EnergyMeter:current" }
Number EnergyMeterEnergy "Energy [%.2f Kwh]" <energy> (gEnergyMeter) { channel="mqtt:topic:localMosquitto:EnergyMeter:energy" }
I have added icons which are available by default with OpenHAB, which donot justify the parameters. You can change that and add icons of your choice.
You can either add the items individually or add the group straight away to the sitemaps file.
Navigate to sitemaps
folder in your OpenHAB installation. For OpenHabian
it is /etc/openhab2/sitemaps
. Create a file energy_meter.sitemap
and pasgte the following contents,
sitemap test label="Energy Meters"
Frame label="Mains Meter"{
Text item=EnergyMeterPower
Text item=EnergyMeterVoltage
Text item=EnergyMeterCurrent
Text item=EnergyMeterEnergy
Enjoy !!