We report a section-wide pan-NLRome for the tuber-bearing section Petota of Solanum, containing the most important non-cereal food crop potato. Elucidation of diveristy and evolutionary trajectories of integrated domains provide promising candidates for identifying novel host targets of pathogens. Evolutionary genomics and functional analyses facilitate the discovery of new resistance genes showing borad spectrum recognition and resistance to the late blight pathogen. These results will accelerate resistance introgression and/or stacking in hybrid potato breeding and our methodology also enlightens how pan-NLRome discovers the knowns from the known unknowns of resistance gene repertoire in other crop species.
Pipelines and relevant scripts for:
- Genome assembly and assessment
- Genome annotation
- Phylogenetic analyses
- NLR reaannotation and curation
- Construction and analyses of the pan-NLRome
- Identification and analyses of integrated domains
- Effector-based GWAS
Genome assemblies and NLR annotation are available at the Solomics website (URL: ).
Hongbo Li (lihongbo_solab@163.com)
Luyao Wang (wangluyao@caas.cn)
Suomeng Dong (smdong@njau.edu.cn)
Sanwen Huang (huangsanwen@caas.cn)