my dotfiles lol
- editors: vim, notepadqq
- cmd: kitty
- music: cmus, glava, p
- wm: awesome w/picom
- os: arch
- calendar: calcurse
- fonts:
- monospace: Fairfax Serif Hax
- terminal: Fairfax SM, SM Bold, SM Italic (though i think its having some issues displaying for some reason)
- file manager: ranger, thunar
- launcher: rofi (i also use the native awesomewm run commands quite often)
- media players: ytfzf (youtube)
- browsers: firefox, lagrange, lynx
- widgets: awesome-wm-widgets
im mostly not going to say much in here, the specific folders will have readmes thatll explain more abt what specifically im doing, and im using this as an excuse to comment on and clean up my configs, so maybe some folks might learn stuff from my ditfiles. or not.