Madrid 2014-10-27
In-person course. 320+ hours of full-time instruction. Work with different technologies including Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3.
Ironhack exercises and week work.
- Setup a development environment on your computer for Web development with Ruby and Rails
- Be able to create HTML5 based web pages
- Learn how to debug CSS issues using secret weapons given to you by Google's Chrome team
- Use the Unix Command Line Interface to navigate and manage your source code files and folders
- Use Object-Oriented Programming in Ruby to create simple programs
- Create your Github profile
- Utilize Git for source control to commit and push your code changes to Github
Mars Rover Kata - JavaScript
University Layout - CSS, HTML
My Favourite Movie - CSS, HTML
Week 1 Object Orientation
Teacher: Alfredo Casado
This week is a first introduction about OOP using Ruby as the programming language. Starting with the basic concepts at the beginning of the week and scratching programming patterns at the end. Working on very simple examples that allow us to write and refactor using pair-programming for the first time in the bootcamp.
Week 2 The feedback in Ruby
Teacher: Rafa de Castro
We started using Test Driven Development with RSpec and Ruby, learning how to make take baby steps typing the simplest code we can. We learned about Collections and Blocks in Ruby.
Blog post about TDD with Ruby & RSpec
Blog post about Doubles in Ruby
Blog post about Collections & BLocks
Week 3 Frontend
Teacher: Javier Jiménez
This week we started learning some HTML5 APIs: geolocation, local storage, notifications, responsive web design.. On thursday we worked on a larger exercise for testing our knowledge using some JS and HTML5 APIs. The last day of the week Javi introduced us to workflows: grunt, gulp, npm, bower and friends.
Week 4 The Rails Way
Teacher: Fernando Blat
This week we have benn learning the Rails basics: routes, controller CRUD and MVC, assets, layouts, partials, helpers, scopes, filters and so on.
Week 5 Javascript time
Teacher: Luis Rovirosa & Carlos Blé
This week we have explored JQuery capabilities: CSS selectors, events, animations, arrays and DOM manipulation. Finaly we have put our hands in AJAX. The last two days Carlos teached us how to perform a better pair-programming usin TDD with Jasmine and JavaScript. We have deepened in JavaScript learning through koans.
Week 6 Advanced Rails
Teacher: Sergio Arbeo
This week we have taken a deep sight through Authentication (Devise) and Autorization (Pundit), tested models and controllers with RSpec using traits and Factory Girl, understanded how AJAX and JSON can work together as an API with serializers in Rails and learned how to make our own Internationalization system.