Use for search duplicate files on your PC.
usage: FileUtility
-d,--duplicateSort Sort output by maximum files duplicate. By default
sort by maximum file size
-e,--endWith <arg> File extension to filter output. Example: pdf
-h,--help Show this help.
-n,--number <arg> Number of files to output. Example: 10
-p,--path <arg> Required parameter. The path or paths to the
folder or disk drive where to look for duplicate
files. Use space as separator. If path contains
spaces surround it with double quotes. Example:
"C:\Program Files" D:\
-s,--startWith <arg> Start of file name to filter output. Example: temp
Written to gain experience with:
- java.nio
- java.concurrent
- Apache Commons CLI
- Apache Maven
- slf4j and log4j
- Project Lombok
- JUnit and AssertJ
- Mockito