This work is about estimating the price of a stock in an interval that has been affected by price manipulation. Therefore, we want to apply some statistical approaches to estimate the price of a stock using information from other stocks.
By using the following scripts, we can download information about stock prices in Iran
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytse_client as tse
import jdatetime , glob, os, ntpath
from datetime import datetime
from pytse_client import download_client_types_records
tickers ="all", write_to_csv=True, include_jdate=True)
After executing the above code, the daily transaction information of all stocks will be downloaded and stored in the code directory. Now, we combine all data together:
path = r'C:\\Users\\\\CodsOfprojects\\Public\\PredictionOfPumpAndDump\\tickers_data'
filenames = glob.glob(path + "/*.csv")
def path_leaf(path):
head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
return tail or ntpath.basename(head)
Name = [path_leaf(path) for path in filenames]
dfs = []
for filename in filenames:
dd = pd.read_csv(filename)
strs = [path_leaf(filename).split(".")[0] for x in range(len(dd))]
dd.insert(1,"PersianNameOfCode", strs, True)
big_frame = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
Because of the dependence between daily stock prices, we have to work with the rate of return instead of the stock price.
ReturnRate = (big_frame['adjClose']-big_frame['yesterday'])/big_frame['yesterday']
big_frame.insert(1,"ReturnRate", ReturnRate, True)