is a simple automatic differentiation library that I created to wrap
my head around how autodiff works. It is built using NumPy and SciPy and it has
been tested using PyTorch as a reference.
The libray is very versatile, and can be used to create and train neural networks (WIP, only linear layers for now).
Normal user:
git clone
pip install toydiff/.
git clone
pip install -e toydiff/. -r toydiff/requirements-dev.txt
To run test, you must install the library as a developer
cd toydiff/
pytest -v tests/
The use is almost the same as the one you would expect from PyTorch:
>>> import toydiff as tdf
>>> # use `track_gradient=True` to allow backward to fill the gradients
>>> a = tdf.random.rand((3,3), track_gradient=True)
>>> b = tdf.random.rand((3,3), track_gradient=True)
>>> c = tdf.matmul(a, b)
>>> d = tdf.log(c)
>>> e = tdf.sum(d)
Variable e
is a Tensor that allows to backpropagate:
>>> e
Tensor(0.22356361, dtype=float32, backward_fn=<Sum(ReduceOp).Backward>)
>>> e.backward() # can pass a gradient tensor too if needed
>>> a.gradient
Tensor([[0.7647713, 2.643686 , 3.2196524],
[0.4147661, 1.494362 , 1.8254415],
[0.5436615, 1.9049336, 2.524307 ]], dtype=float32, track_gradient=False)
The library tracks intermediate gradients by default, without needing to perform extra steps to do so:
>>> c.gradient
Tensor([[1.1955129 , 1.6154591 , 1.1438175 ],
[0.7210128 , 0.91004455, 0.60389584],
[0.83467734, 1.4432425 , 0.75835925]], dtype=float32, track_gradient=False)
The module nn
contains all necessary functionality to create and optimize
basic neural networks:
import numpy as np
import toydiff as tdf
from toydiff.nn.blocks import Linear
from toydiff.nn.optim import SGD
from toydiff.nn.functional import mse_loss
# generate data
x = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.01).reshape(-1,1)
y = 2 * x + np.random.normal(size=(len(x), 1), scale=0.3)
# create model
model = Linear(1, 1, bias=False)
# wrap your data in Tensors with `track_gradient=True`
feat = tdf.Tensor(X, track_gradient=True)
labels = tdf.Tensor(y, track_gradient=True)
# pass model to optimizer
optimizer = SGD(model)
# build train loop
losses = []
n_epochs = 15_000
for i in range(n_epochs):
# zero grads if you do not want to accumulate gradients
# forward pass, loss and backward pass
out = model(feat)
loss = mse_loss(out, labels) # minimize sum of square differences
# use gradients to update parameters