Author: Yoseph Ayala
- This repository contains the creation of two dashboards using shiny and shinydashboard. Both are R packages that allows the creation of interactive dashboards.
- Covid Dashboard: this dashboard allows you to view and download disaggregated information on the incidence of the COVID-19 epidemic in Peru. The aggregation levels available are regional, provincial and district.
- Data Dashboard: this dashboard has two main resources. The first is a reference center for original sources of data on various topics such as health, education, employment, industry, agriculture, public finances, electoral information, population, etc. The second resource consists of original data or data with some level of processing done by the QLAB team that cannot be found on other reference sites.
- In the Dashboards' folder, you'll find two subfolfers: Covid app and Databases app.
- In each subfolder, there's a script called app.R, where you can find the script of each dashboard.