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Proper use of GOSemSim

Guangchuang Yu edited this page Oct 6, 2015 · 1 revision

I am very glad that many people find GOSemSim useful and GOSemSim has been cited by 114 (by google scholar, Aug, 2014).

There are two R packages BiSEp and tRanslatome depend on GOSemSim and three R packages clusterProfiler, DOSE and Rcpi import GOSemSim.

SemDist package copy some of the source code from GOSemSim with acknowledging within source code and document.

ppiPre package copy many source code from GOSemSim without any acknowledgement in souce code or document and did not cited GOSemSim in their publication. This violates the restriction of open source license.

For R developers, if you found functions provided in GOSemSim useful, please depends or imports GOSemSim. If you would like to copy and paste source code, you should acknowledge the source code was copied/derived from GOSemSim authored by Guangchuang Yu within source code, add GOSemSim in Suggests field and also includes the following reference in the man files for functions that copied/derived from GOSemSim and cited in vignettes.

  Yu et al. (2010) GOSemSim: an R package for measuring
  semantic similarity among GO terms and gene products
  \emph{Bioinformatics} (Oxford, England), 26:7 976--978,
  April 2010. ISSN 1367-4803
  PMID: 20179076

You are welcome to use GOSemSim in the way you like, but please cite it and give it the proper credit. I hope you can understand.

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