- Microsoft Authenticator 中的2FA密钥数据存储路径为 /data/data/com.azure.authenticator/databases/PhoneFactor
- PhoneFactor 文件本身是Sqlite数据库文件,所以复制文件时候需要复制PhoneFactor PhoneFactor-shm PhoneFactor-wal 这三个文件(如果有),可以通过Sqlite数据库操作软件来查看具体的数据信息。想要的数据就在 accounts 表中。
- 使用dump.py提取
- account_type为1的是微软本身的账户,为0的是手动添加的第三方账户。
- 拿到数据以后我们可以导入到自己想要使用的任意软件了,可以手动输入secret_key,也可以直接将上面otpauth://开头的url直接生成二维码进行扫码导入。
Exporting TOTP
- Locate the dataThe storage path for the 2FA key data in Microsoft Authenticator is /data/data/com.azure.authenticator/databases/PhoneFactor
- The PhoneFactor file itself is an SQLite database file, so when copying, you need to copy the PhoneFactor, PhoneFactor-shm, and PhoneFactor-wal files (if available). You can use an SQLite database management tool to view the specific data information. The desired data can be found in the accounts table.
- Extracting with dump.py
- An account_type of 1 indicates a Microsoft account, while 0 indicates a manually added third-party account.
- Importing the data Once you have the data, you can import it into any software you want to use. You can manually enter the secret_key or directly generate a QR code from the otpauth:// URL to scan and import.